Cake Byte: Mother's Day Treats at Essential Baking Company, Seattle

Seeking something sweet for mom in Seattle? Here's the newest batch of sweet treats available at Essential Baking. Per an email from their PR company:

The Essential Baking Company says hats off to all our wonderful mothers this Mothers Day with delicious desserts and breads!

Delight Mom on her special day with orange Bavarian cream and chocolate mousse enrobed in dark chocolate ganache on a buttery pecan shortbread cookie. Mom’s Hat gets its finishing flourish from a white chocolate flower and ribbon of marzipan. Available now through June 15.

Also available, Pane Fiore, Italian for bread flower, is two gifts in one just in time for Mother’s Day. It’s edible, as well as decorative, so you can skip the flowers and give Mom a tastier bouquet. This mildly sweet bread has a soft, moist crumb with a hint of vanilla. The dough is hand-formed in a braided design that blossoms into a flower shape, with a sprinkling of rock sugar on top to mimic the flower’s seeds. Available April 21 – May 11

Mom’s Hat and Pane Fiore will be available at select grocery stores in the greater Seattle area and The Essential Bakery Cafés in Wallingford, Madison and the new Georgetown bakery. The Mom’s Hat retails at The Essential Bakery cafes for $5.95 and Pane Fiore at $6.00

For more information, visit

Beyond a Baker's Dozen: A Roundup of Cake Truffle Companies

Cake bites made by Bakerella for CakeSpy!Whether they're on a stick or just rolled as truffles, one thing is for certain: Cake Balls are taking over the world (for which I credit, and thank, Bakerella!). Here's a collection of companies selling them online and in their stores:

(note: got one to add? leave a comment!)

Audrey Kate Rae cake truffles come in flavors like red velvet coated in Tiffany blue--yes! Read more here. (Thanks Suzette for the tip!)

Butterfly Cake Bites come in pina colada, banana split, and creamsicle-inspired flavors. Oh yes.

Cacao Sweets and Treats in the Chicago area makes sweet cake truffles in a variety of flavors, and will also provide custom packaging options. Oh, and their shop also features white chocolate bacon peanut butter cups, just FYI.

Cake Balls is probably my favorite company name ever. Of course, the fact that they sell a delectable-sounding Birthday Cake truffle makes me even more delighted!

Cake Bug provides custom truffles with build-your-own flavors--I think I could go for the lime-coconut combination!

Cake Pop Company in Springfield, MO features pops of all sorts, but their most exciting new item is the Askinosie Chocolate Cake Pop, which is described by the owner as "are a combination of my own Mother’s recipe for chocolate cake and Single Origin Natural Cocoa Powder-San Jose DeTambo, Ecuador from Askinosie Chocolate, covered in Askinosie 77% Davao, Philippines Dark Chocolate. It is a dense and rich cake."

Cocoa Bakery and Cafe in Jersey City, NJ makes cake truffles--including banana cake truffles.

Confection Concoctions in Spanaway features cake pops and cake truffles; read the CakeSpy interview with owner Laura here!

Crunchy Jewels is a cake truffle company in NYC, and they make something called a Vietnamese Coffee Cake Ball. Yum.

David Burke Cake Pops makes pops both sweet and savory of all types, but their Cheesecake pops have me intrigued.

Dessert.Net offers what they call "addictive cake balls"--in collections of complementary flavors.

Fab Favors offers traditional flavors and specialty flavors such as peanut butter banana and Key Lime.

Frosting Bake Shop in Mill Valley offers extremely delicious cake bites.

Honey and Bee in San Diego works by special order to create cake truffles in flavors like toffee, green tea, and an intriguing Imperial Chocolate Porter.

Just a Bite Cake Pops in Orange County, CA specializes in sweets on a stick, with the usual suspects (vanilla, chocolate, red velvet) and also a line of more gourmet flavors, including toasted coconut, carrot cake, and more.

Krissy's Cake Balls features a German Chocolate cake ball. They're in Kentucky, but they do mail order (whew).

Little Miss Sweet Tooth Dollies in Coral Gables, FL features cake truffles in flavors like the delicious-sounding "Drag Queen", comprised of pistachio cake, buttercream frosting, covered in vanilla coating.

Lollicake Bake Shop makes cute cake pops and truffles, sometimes in the shapes of characters like Elmo. Awww.

Lux Bakery and Cafe in Austin makes cake balls in flavors like chocolate chip and green tea. It's also worth noting that they have something on their menu called the "Nanaimo Cup" which sounds like the best kind of cup there is.

Mad Cravings from Oregon may not have the most user-friendly site, but they do have cake balls in flavors like peach champagne and key lime pie, and they also offer gluten-free versions.

Sarandipity Sweets in Georgia makes cute cake pops shaped like cupcakes, apples, and more.

Skipping Stones makes adorable cupcake-shaped cake truffles, and their online shop boasts a variety of other goodies like pie lollipops, homemade graham crackers, and more!

Stacy's Cakes of Irvine specializes in cake truffles in creative custom flavors.

Sweet E's in Los Angeles makes sweet pops covered in rainbow sprinkles--because everything tastes better with sprinkles.

Sweet Tooth Fairy in Provo, UT features something they call "CakeBites" which are a CakeSpy (and Rachael Ray!) favorite. 

Tart Bakery in Dallas has cake balls for sale in a variety of flavors.

Very Vera truffles are available at Saks Fifth Avenue, and are described as "Sweet two-bite decadences are rolled up into balls, then dipped in chocolate and various toppings including pecans, almonds, walnuts, coconut flakes and graham cracker crumbs; a festive dessert presentation."

With Love Bakery in Plano offers cake balls in a delectable array of flavors like s'mores, candy bar, and coconut cake. This makes me love them.

Sweet Sneak Peek: Good Chemistry Baking, Coming Soon in Oakland, CA

You know what I love? Seeing people make it happen. And right now, one of my biggest inspirations is Jane O'Hara, proprietress of the soon-to-be-opened gluten-free bakery, Good Chemistry Baking (don't you just love the name?), in Oakland. I met Jane last year when showing at the Renegade Craft Fair in San Francisco, back when the bakery concept was still preheating in her mind. After talking extensively about eating sweet on a gluten-free diet, we kept in contact through the year, and now I'm delighted to say that her bakery is going to be open soon in the Bay Area!

Direct from the source, here's a sneak peek at the awesomeness that will soon be open in Oakland (with some seriously tempting photos from Michael Behen): 

Good Chemistry Baking: Opening Memorial Day weekend in Oakland, CA! 
Good Chemistry Baking is a new, dedicated gluten-free bakery featuring treats made with many local and organic ingredients. Owner and baker Jane O'Hara makes a variety of baked goods from scratch each day; menu items will include muffins, scones, lemon bars, cupcakes, cookies, breads, pizza by-the-slice and more.  The bakery will serve organic and fair-trade coffee from Minneapolis-based Peace Coffee and certified gluten-free teas from The Republic of Tea. Oh, and they may or may not be featuring artwork by that cupcake artist called CakeSpy (I'm kidding. They really will be.)

More details:

Good Chemistry Baking
'celebrating the gluten-free good life'
3249 Grand Avenue
Oakland, CA 94610
510.350.7190 (website coming soon!) 
Hours: Monday-Friday: 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturday-Sunday: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.  

Sweetest Day Ever: 50 Awesome Moments at CupcakeCamp Seattle

So, last week was CupcakeCamp Seattle, sponsored by Bella Cupcake Couture. As you may know, I was lucky enough to be the one who did the artwork for the poster and branding of the festival--but what you may not know is that I was even double-triple-fourteen times luckier, because in addition to participating artistically, I was also a VIP attendee--one of the judges, along with serious celebrities as Kelley Moore, Melody Biringer of Crave, Keren Brown, Jackie of CakeCentral (!!!), and more!

So. To try and narrow it down to 10, a Baker's Dozen, or even 25 awesome moments would be pretty much impossible, so instead I'm opting to share 50 awesome moments (in no particular order) from CupcakeCamp Seattle. It was a packed event and they ran out of cupcakes, so some people unfortunately were turned away--but I'm sure that next year it will be even bigger and better. 

  1. My artwork on the signpost outside. The first thing I saw made me feel like a serious VIP!
  2. Salted caramel cupcakes from Cupcake Royale. This is one of the most famous cupcakes I know, and it Lives. Up. To. The. Hype.
  3. The "Little Miss Tipsy" Cupcake by New York Cupcakes. Limoncello and Raspberry Vodka Cupcakes. Dude, I feel a (sugar) buzz just looking at them.
  4. This beautiful spread from Bella Bella Cupcakes (top picture).
  5. Strawberry Pop Rocks Cupcakes! These were a winner in the Amateur Baker category, for most unique ingredient. They tasted delicious (but I already knew that Pop Rocks are a great ingredient in baked goods!)
  6. Brown butter bliss cupcakes - with homemade marshmallows. Yes!
  7. The cupcake-eating contest. 
  8. The fact that the winner of the cupcake eating contest was wearing a necklace comprised of a doughnut on chain links.
  9. Root beer float cupcakes.
  10. The crowd. Now, I know that people who didn't get in were pissed off, but it seriously made me so happy to see so many people excited about cake.
  11. I got to meet Lyndsey of Kitchen DoughDough! 
  12. Pear Cupcakes. They sparkled, both figuratively and literally. Once again by Bella Bella!  
  13. The "Unhappy Hipster" cupcake by Rocket Queen Cupcakes. This is funny.
  14. This spread by Tacoma's Celebrity Cake Studio.
  15. My fellow judge Melody (oh, you may know her as the famous founder of Crave). Can't you tell how happy she is?
  16. Vegan cupcakes that looked like starbucks mochas! Aww! By the Cake Diva (read more here).
  17. Biting into said vegan cupcakes and finding even more awesome inside.
  18. And on the flipside: So. Many. Bacon. Cupcakes.
  19. Java Cupcake's "Tree Hugger Apple" cupcakes--like snickerdoodle met apple cinnamon, with cinnamon buttercream and caramel. Om nom nom.
  20. Seeing how enthusiastic all of the eaters were (look at those full plates!)
  21. Tiger tails from Trophy Cupcakes! 
  22. A beautiful array from Wink Cupcakes. 
  23. The "Sustainable Granola" cupcake masterpiece by Bella Bella Cupcakes--a Seattle-themed composition featuring fondant sandals with socks!  
  24. The "Velvet Elvis", probably one of the more delicious bacon entries--banana cake, chocolate chips, and peanut butter  frosting with bacon. Yes.
  25. Discovering Immortal Bakery (not to be confused with Immortal Dog Pet Supply and Bakery), who brought several delicious cupcake variations including banana with honey and cinnamon, marionberry, and maple bacon!
  26. These cupcakes, made by a 7 year old. I definitely was not this capable at age 7. I am probably not now either!
  27. Running into Natalie, who has done guest posts on CakeSpy!
  28. The "Baklava Honey Bees" Cupcake --it was all nestled in phyllo dough! Yeah!
  29. Parsnip cake? It's been done before, sure, but I'd never tasted it. It was better than a lot of other vegetable cakes I've tried. By Heidi Phillips.
  30. Several creative entries from Spitfire Grill--of all things, a Belltown sports bar. Their pastry chef, Kimm Moore, deserves kudos for her creativity: the "Kimm-chi" cupcake, made of carrot, zucchini and kimchi with ginger frosting; the "Mocha Me Up" with hazelnut biscotti on top of a mocha ganache centered cupcake, and more!
  31. War of Pigs, a bacon-themed cupcake from Rocket Queen Cupcakes.
  32. Seeing my artwork on the judge name tags.
  33. Being able to wear a judge name tag and act like I was going backstage like in Wayne's World at all times.
  34. The Organic Washington Caramel Apple cupcake by The Radical Cupcake. 
  35. The "Uptight Seattleite" cupcake--a work of art!
  36. A cupcake with ferry on top by Captivating Creations--adorable!
  37. Whoopie Pie Cupcakes by Audrey of Babeland! 
  38. My fellow judge Keren Brown, who not only is probably the coolest mom in the world and the organizer of FoodPortunity, but has a sparkling wit and can eat a cupcake like nobody's business.
  39. This cupcake was made by a 10 year old. 10!
  40. Chocolate stout cupcakes which were amazingly decadent. I wish I remembered who made them!
  41. My fellow judge Jackie of Cake Central, who #1 is like a cake celebrity but #2 didn't bat an eyelash when I asked a question that most would find ridiculous: "So what is exciting in the world of cake decorating these days?"
  42. A "heart happy" carrot cake made with cranberry walnut carrot cake with avocado frosting--it did not taste like deprivation at all. It was awesome!
  43. ...and on the opposite end of the spectrum, the "Heart Attack" cupcake, comprised of chocolate chipotle cupcakes with dark chili ganache and lime cream cheese frosting. Made by Michelle Morris of the Hope Heart Institute.
  44. Cake pops (including this adorable cake slice cake pop!) by Confection Concoctions, my new hero!
  45. My fellow judge Kelley Moore, who is kind of a big deal. And completely awesome and funny and cool!
  46. I don't know if you can see this, but another of the entrants in the cupcake eating contest was wearing a t-shirt with a unicorn which is pooping cupcakes. This made me so happy.
  47. Cupcake shooters!
  48. It being my job to eat these.
  49. Chocolate milk to go along with my cupcakes.
  50. The utterly amazing organizer, Carrie Middlemiss, who is not only the owner of Bella Cupcake Couture, a CakeSpy sponsor, and unbelievable multitasker, but generally an awesome person too. Read all about her thoughts on CupcakeCamp Seattle on her blog! 

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Art at Crafty Wonderland in Portland!

Brace yourself, Portland--you're about to get a lot sweeter.

That's right: CakeSpy is coming to Portland, OR, to sell art at the incredibly awesome Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Spring Sale!

Come on by and enjoy all manner of DIY delights and pick up some sweet artwork! Here are the details:

Crafty Wonderland Super Colossal Spring Sale
Saturday + Sunday, May 1st + 2nd, 2010
11am - 5pm at the Oregon Convention Center Exhibit Hall D 777 NE MLK Jr. Blvd. Portland, OR 97232
Free Admission! All Ages!

More info online at

Sweet Video: Cupcake Eating Contest at CupcakeCamp Seattle

So, as many of you know, I had the great honor of being a judge at the totally awesome CupcakeCamp Seattle (coordinated by CakeSpy sponsor Bella Cupcake Couture) today. Now, there will be more coverage of these monumentally delicious experience, but to whet your appetite, I'll start by posting this video of the cupcake-eating contest which capped the sweetest day ever. My apologies for the poor video quality, but I still think that you get an idea of the fascination and fervor which came along with this sugar-frenzied contest.

Cutting Edge: The Cricut Cake Debuts

Like, OMG! The Cricut Cake is now available! 

...ok, I'll admit it, when I first heard about it, I wasn't exactly sure why I should be excited--but then again, I wasn't sure exactly what a Cricut was. However, thanks to the power of the internet, I found out that the Cricut actually started out as a scrapbooking tool--it is a kind of printer on which you can create customized die cuts and designs on command. Actually it's kind of cool--check out a video of how it works here.

So now you have an idea of why it's such a big deal that they've made a food-safe version of the machine: what an excellent tool for cake decorating!

Here's the 411 from the HSN press release:

The Cricut Cake is an easy-to-use personal electronic cutter designed to cut gum paste, fondant and other edible materials, while providing precise, professional-looking results every time.  Accompanied by the Cricut Cake Basics cartridge, featuring hundreds of images for cake decorating, the Cricut Cake is designed to work with pre-existing Cricut cartridges as well as Provo Craft's Gypsy and Cricut Design Studio software. The wide array of shapes, fonts and designs found on compatible cartridges makes the Cricut Cake perfect for all culinary decorating occasions, including birthdays, graduations, weddings and holidays.

The machine is similar in design to the existing Cricut cutting machine; however, specific modifications have been made; stainless steel dials, trim, cutting blade and roller, to make it safe for use with food. Additionally, the keypad features a full silicone cover to protect the screen and allow for easy clean-up.

Of course, this awesome doesn't come cheap--the Cricut cake (which comes with bundle including a 12x12 food safe mat, cartridge skirt, cleaning brush, blade cleaning basket, Cake Basics cartridge, the Elegant Cake cartridge as well as icing sheets) retails for a hefty $429.95. But can a price really be put on a beautiful cake? Well, apparently yes--but you know what I mean. If you're interested, you can be updated on the initial offering at HSN.

Cake Byte: CupcakeCamp Seattle is Tomorrow!

CakeSpy Note: Just a reminder: CupcakeCamp Seattle is tomorrow! In case you missed the news post about it a while back, here it is again:

Summer camp? Not so much. Bad crafts and bad food = big bummer.

CupcakeCamp, however, is a different story. Because at this camp, everyone's a winner, because they all get cupcakes. It's a franchise which has enjoyed great success in New York and San Francisco, and now, thanks to coordinator Carrie of Bella Cupcake Couture (a CakeSpy sponsor and awesome company in general), it's coming to Seattle! 

So what exactly is CupcakeCamp? Per the website, it is

An event for cupcake lovers: Bake or buy cupcakes to bring -or- just come to eat and help a good cause. Activities include cupcake eating contests, cupcake wrapper decorating, bakers competitions, Hope Heart Institute fundraiser and more.  Best of all … it’s FREE.

Once again, just in case you didn't catch that last part: it's free!

And, there will be a cupcake eating contest.

Here are the details:

When: Saturday April 10, 2010 11am-2pm
Where: 415 Westlake, Seattle WA
Why: Because who doesn’t love cupcakes?

Oh, and of course, you've got to love the CakeSpy-designed promotional postcard! (pictured top)

For more details and to see how you can become involved, visit the “About” section on theCupcake Camp Seattle website!

Cake Byte: Essential Baking Opens a New Georgetown Cafe, with Freebies!


Photo c/o K. Morales for CakeSpy's Carrot Cake Roundup in SeattleA new bakery is always something to celebrate--but even more so when it's right here in Seattle and I can go visit right away!

So I was super excited to receive a note that the The Essential Baking Company (where I got the recipe for this cake!) has opened a new location in Georgetown (home to Calamity Jane's, one of my favorite breakfast places, btw). Here are the details:

The Georgetown Café is located at 5601 1st Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98108. To celebrate the opening, EBC will have two special offerings for customers:

Friday, April 9: Indulge in a free taste of EBC’s signature fudge brownie – a cult favorite that is rich, chewy, and brimming with chocolate.

Friday, April 16: Wake up with a complimentary cup of EBC’s own freshly roasted Baker’s Blend drip coffee.

Both offers are one per customer, while supplies last.

What are you waiting for? Get over to Essential's Georgetown location at 5601 1st Ave. South, Seattle WA 98108!


Cake Byte: New Teacher Cuppie Rubber Stamps by Taylored Expressions!

Totally sweet! Taylored Expressions has released some new stamps with CakeSpy imagery--this time, why not stamp something sweet to show your appreciation for a great teacher?

Here's the scoop, from the Taylored Expressions newsletter:

Cuppie is back in three brand new A La Carte images from Jessie Oleson! This is the first time we've offered Cuppies in the single image option and we think you'll find them irresistible! Pick up one, two or all three. Not only can you incorporate these adorable images into cards for your kids' teachers, but it's a great opportunity to get your kids involved too!

P.S. How cute is this: customer Melissa Sauls had a wonderful idea when she stamped a Cuppie card and had her son color it in for his teacher! (pictured left)

See all three A la Carte Cuppie stamps by clicking here; you'll also want to hop over the TE Gallery to see all the sweet samples by the Baker's Dozen!

Sweet Treats, Sweet Cause: Great American Bake Sale in Seattle

Sweet treats are delicious, but you know what? Sometimes it's even sweeter to give back. And so it is with sweet delight that I announce that I (along with a cast of awesome Seattle bakers and bloggers) will be contributing to the Great American Bake Sale next weekend!

Here are details from the press release:

Some two dozen local food bloggers recruited by "Frantic Foodie" Keren Brown will bake cookies for the Great American Bake Sale next weekend. Proceeds will benefit Share Our Strength, the culinary industry's fundraiser to help end childhood hunger. 

The sale by Seattle food bloggers—one of dozens nationwide—will take place at the Metropolitan Market Uptown on Lower Queen Anne on Saturday morning, April 17th, from 10 AM until noon.

Among the bloggers donating baked goods are Jessie Oleson of, Shauna James Ahern from GlutenFreeGirl.Blogspot and many other well-known bloggers. Each participant will have two dozen cookies (and their recipes) for sale at the event.  For a complete list of the food bloggers participating, click here.

"Readers and fans will have the opportunity to taste the baked goods from their favorite food blogs", "We're thrilled that Metropolitan Market Uptown is offering us the space for this fund-raising event," Brown, said.

The national effort to involve bloggers in the Great American Bake Sale was spearheaded by Gaby Dalkin, a personal chef in Los Angeles and author of a blog called 

All funds raised through the event support Share Our Strength’s efforts to end childhood hunger in America by helping fund after-school and summer nutrition programs. “Summer is an especially difficult time, because the children facing hunger in America, nearly 17 million children, will no longer have access to the school-based meals they rely on,” said Bill Shore, executive director of Share Our Strength.

Attend the sale! It will take place on Saturday, April 17th, 2010 10 AM to Noon at Metropolitan Market Uptown 100 Mercer St., Seattle (Free parking while at the store).

Cake Byte: The Saveur Blog Awards Winners!

Dudes, dudettes. So, remember how I was nominated for the Saveur Blog Awards, in not one but two categories?

Well, turns out I pulled a Susan Lucci: I didn't win either. But you know what? It's really hard to feel bad about this when such an awesome collection of sweet (and savory) dudes and dudettes did win the awards.

Plus, I am kind of feeling like I win at life lately, what with a new retail gallery in the super-cool Capitol Hill neighborhood of Seattle (it was even mentioned on DailyCandy!) which will have its grand opening party on May 8 (oh please, please come to it if you're in Seattle!!).

Here's the full roster of winners from aforementioned Saveur awards:


David Lebovitz


Good Wine Under $20


Smitten Kitchen


Homesick Texan


La Tartine Gourmande


Cafe Fernando


Smitten Kitchen


Food Wishes


Apartment Therapy: The Kitchn

...thanks again to Saveur for nominating sweet, sweet CakeSpy!

Cake Byte: Safeco Field Debuts Cupcakes at Baseball Game Concessions

You know what this photo means? 

It means that I now officially like baseball.

OK, let me back up. In case you haven't heard, Seattle's Safeco Field (home of the baseball team the Seattle Mariners) has just revamped their concessions menu and will be offering several food options beyond the expected nachos and cheez whiz and hot dogs (although, as they were quick to specify, "Not to worry, garlic fries, Ivar’s clam chowder and hot dogs are still available, but for the more adventuresome palate, Centerplate, the exclusive caterer for Safeco Field, offers fans a variety of new offerings."). It's an ambitious new menu, including crab cakes, pasta, and organic smoothies.

And cupcakes.

There will be house-made cupcakes and caramel apples, as well as chocolate dipped Rice Krispie treats, and cookies from Hope's Country Fresh Cookies.

Unfortunately I was unable to attend the preview event at which they let some of us newsy types taste this array of awesome (alas I was held up in a meeting about floors for my new gallery!), but from what I hear, these cupcakes are "huge and good". Concise, but alluring, no?

Check out the cupcakes at Safeco Field when you go see the Seattle Mariners; for more information on upcoming games, visit the official Mariners site.

Sweet April: Trophy Cupcakes Debuts Three Flavors This Month


April is officially going to be the awesomest month ever: Trophy Cupcakes has not one but three special flavors!

Want to know more? OK. Per their newsletter:

Three new flavors start this month! Tiger Tails, our coconut cupcake topped with raspberry buttercream, rolled in coconut and drizzled with raspberry sauce! Peanut Butter and Jelly (one of our most requested flavors) is back from a little vacation. PB&J is our Vanilla Butter Cake filled with Peanut Butter and Strawberry Jam then topped with swirled Peanut Butter and Strawberry Buttercreams. Last but not least, Salted Caramel is our Valrhona Chocolate Cake topped with Caramel Buttercream drizzled with house-made caramel and a sprinkling of fleur de sel.

Total yum, right?

Here's the schedule of availability for the three flavors:

Tiger Tails: Sundays, Mondays and Wednesdays 
PB&J: Tuesdays and Thursdays 
Salted Caramel: Fridays and Saturdays

For locations and more information, visit

Sweet April: Cupcake Royale Debuts Lemon Mascarpone Cupcakes this month!

Is April the cruelest month?

Not at all if you are in Seattle, where you can escape the April showers at Cupcake Royale (which recently got some very high praise from foodie superheroes Jane and Michael Stern) and pick up a couple or seven of their new flavor: Lemon Mascarpone! Here's the 411 from their newsletter:

With deliciously creamy Italian mascarpone, this fluffy, velvety lemon cake has tangy lemon zest in the batter. We top it off with a light and creamy cloud of lemony Italian mascarpone buttercream, made with the finest, fresh, natural mascarpone from Mozzarella Fresca. This sunny spring treat is true lemon BLISS.

Totally sweet!

Available all month long at the four Cupcake Royale locations; for directions and contact info, visit Of course, you can keep up to date with their goings-on at

Hot (Cross) Buns at Essential Baking Company, Seattle

Want some hot buns?

Well, if you're in Seattle, you're in luck, because Essential Baking Co. has got hot buns--hot cross buns, that is--aplenty. Per an update from EBC:

Easter is this weekend and Hot Cross Buns are a traditional English Easter food historically enjoyed on Good Friday. The Essential Baking Company's  legendary, slightly sweet version features a rich, velvety crumb, currants and the trademark glaze topping. Hot Cross Buns are perfect warmed and served with breakfast, brunch or afternoon tea.

EBC's legendary Hot Cross Buns will be available at select grocery stores in the greater Seattle area and The Essential Bakery Cafés in Wallingford (1604 North 34th Street - 206-545-0444) and Madison (2719 East Madison -206-328-0078) now through June 15. 

For more information on how you can get your hot (cross!) buns for Easter, visit

Muraling in Minneapolis: The Sweetest Bathroom in the World, at Cake Eater Bakery

When the highly anticipated Cake Eater Bakery opens next month in Minneapolis, here's what you're going to do.

1. You're going to either drive, bike, or walk over, if you're in Minneapolis; if not, sorry, but you're going to have to book yourself a flight.

2. Order something at the counter. I'm not the boss of you, so I'm not going to tell you what to order, because pretty much everything I've tasted that they've made is very delicious.

3. You take your treat to go, and hightail the bathroom.

Yes, the bathroom. Because, my friends, Cake Eater has what is undoubtedly the sweetest, awesomest, best bathroom in the world--because it's the only bathroom in the world to have a mural done by CakeSpy.

Yup--it's true: I just spent several days muraling in Minneapolis, and the outcome couldn't be sweeter.

The mural itself is loosely based on battle scenes from The Lord of the Rings--reinterpreted with pastry characters.

A flaming Orthanc Tower is being righteously put out by a stream of pouring milk, care of to-go coffee cups;

a noble Gandalf-inspired cake (on a unicorn for added magic) leads a crew of brave warriors to battle;

the pie warriors defend their territory;

and of course, a delicious piecemeal army is coming in from the other side to help win the war of sweetness.

and to think--this is what it looked like before:

...and here's a panorama to give you an idea of how it all comes together:

I know, I know--you've just found your favorite bathroom in the world.

Cake Eater Bakery is coming soon to 2929 E 25th St in Minneapolis! For the latest info, stay up to date via their website, blog, Facebook, and of course Twitter feeds. Oh, and you can get totally sweet tees here!

Cake Byte: Street Treats, a Mobile Dessert Truck, Coming Soon to Seattle

Photo via street treatsFire up your twitter accounts, Seattle: you've got someone new to follow, both on Twitter and in real life: the newest member of the Seattle mobile food mafia, Street Treats--a mobile dessert truck!

Yup: coming this spring, Street Treats will be Seattle's mobile source for sweet stuff, occupying different locations on a daily basis, according to their site:

We’re looking at spots in lower Queen Anne, First Hill, South Lake Union, SODO, Beacon Hill, Belltown and Rainier Valley. Check back for exact locations in April 2010.

And what will they be serving, you ask? Well, owner Diane Skwiercz will be baking up a delectable array of cookies, brownies and bars (including an especially fascinating specimen called the "Butterscotch cloud", comprised ofchocolate, butterscotch and tiny marshmallows); but the truck will also stock pies from local legend (and beloved by CakeSpyHigh 5 Pies and a rotating array of ice cream flavors from Half Pint

The official launch is still TBA, but hopefully in the next month or two.

For more information, check out or follow them on Twitter!

Cake Byte: Portland's Pix Patisserie Now Shipping Macarons!

Pix Pâtisserie in Portland, Oregon is pretty much the cutest place ever, and I feel sorry for anyone who has never visited.

Happily, now you can get a taste of the action even if you don't live near Portland: they've just started to ship their macarons nationwide!

Per a recent press release, owner Cheryl Wakerhauser

gives a nod to the classic French macaron with some taste make-overs for many of the 30 rotating flavors. The macaron flavors at Pix are inspired by artisan ingredients and the highest quality products available such as locally distilled Trillium Absinthe, Woodford Reserve Bourbon, Fleur de Sel Caramel, and homemade peanut butter...and tempts the flavor palate with hints of sweet and savory from maple bacon to pumpkin spice, espresso, curry and Taylor Fladgate 10-year Tawny Port. And, there are always the French classics represented like cassis-violet, pistachio, and chocolate (only the Pix chocolate is triple chocolate dipped in 75% origin chocolate). For the real adventurer there is the Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho flavored with Trillium Absinthe and loaded with chocolate covered pop rocks.

Here's the full list of flavors:

  • Raspberry
  • Woodford Reserve Bourbon
  • Hazelnut
  • Passion Fruit
  • Espresso
  • Rose
  • Cheesecake
  • Taylor Fladgate 10-year Tawny Port
  • Pistachio
  • Chocolate Cinnamon
  • Curry
  • Spanish Almond and Sherry
  • Coconut Rum
  • Blueberry
  • Cassis Violet
  • Candy Cane (seasonal)
  • Spring Bank 10 Scotch Whisky
  • Fleur de Sel Caramel
  • Salt, Pepper, Olive Oil
  • Chocolate Chip
  • Pumpkin Spice
  • Chocolate Covered Cherry
  • Meka Leka Hi Meka Hiney Ho (Trillium Absinthe and Chocolate Covered Pop Rocks)
  • Peanut Butter and Jelly
  • Chestnut Whisky
  • Maple Bacon
  • Apple Pie
  • Sesame Matcha Tea
  • Lemon Basil
  • Triple Chocolate 

Like, whoa.

Want the 411? These macarons are available in a 14-piece Chartreuse Box or seven-piece gift tube online with USPS overnight delivery and a 4-day advanced order on their online store. For a catered selection of flavors available by the dozen, please contact Shipping costs are $30 for the first dozen and $5 for each additional dozen.