Cake Byte: Happy National Boston Cream Pie Day from Trophy Cupcakes, and a Sweets Crawl in Seattle

Guess what? I'm headed to Canada (home of the mighty Nanaimo Bar) this weekend. But clearly I've chosen the wrong weekend to flee Seattle, because there's a lot of awesomeness going on! First off, did you know it's National Boston Cream Pie Day? Well, Seattle's Trophy Cupcakes is bringing on the party--as owner Jennifer Shea says:

Happy National Boston Cream Pie Day! Of course Trophy whipped up a cupcake version today...Vanilla Cupcake filled with pastry cream and dipped in Belgian Chocolate Ganache!

Now, if that doesn't sound like a celebration, I don't know what does.

Find them while they last at Trophy Cupcakes locations in the Seattle area!

But wait, there's more! If you're in or around the Capitol Hill neighborhood today, there's also a totally sweet walking tour--The Great Cap Hill SweetTooth Crawl! Although CakeSpy Shop does not actually have cake, it will be a sweet stop on the tour (buy some cards while you digest!). Check out the details here.

Oh, and finally, how cool is this: CakeSpy Shop artist Mike Geno's Challah Painting is on the cover of The Stranger! You can buy the real thing here. 

Cake Byte: Cupcake Royale's Jody Hall to Meet With President Barack Obama

Today is a very sweet day indeed.

Remember the above design which I did to celebrate President Barack Obama's inauguration? Well, today it will be part of a gift basket given to a very appropriate recipient--Barack Obama himself!

You see, Cupcake Royale's owner, Jody Hall, is meeting with President Obama today, and she'll be giving him some CakeSpy gear in a sweet little gift basket she put together!

Say what, you say? Well. As you may know, a very active supporter of small businesses--and now, she has the opportunity to talk with a VIP -- the VIP -- President Barack Obama!

Per the Cupcake Royale folks:

Today, Jody Hall, owner of Cupcake Royale and a member of the Main Street Alliance of Washington, will participate in a backyard conversation with President Barack Obama and Senator Patty Murray, focusing on women and the economy. Hall will share the story of the successful growth of her business despite the recession.

Of course, there is a delicious way you can help toast this amazing opportunity. In case you didn't know, Cupcake Royale's super popular Salted Caramel cupcake was actually launched in honor of President Obama's inauguration (it's his favorite flavor!), so why not drop  by the closest CR location and enjoy one today in celebration?

As a cupcake enthusiast and small business owner, I'd like to offer a very big congratulations to Jody for helping to make it happen!

Keep updated via Cupcake Royale's twitter account and their website!

Cake Byte: Mini Bacon Maple Cupcakes by Mini Empire Bakery Now Available!

This revolution may be mini, but when it comes to flavor, these cupcakes are maxed out (now, just to clarify, when I wrote that I really intended for it to be said in a booming, "Sunday, Sunday, SUNDAY!" sort of voice).

That's right: Mini Bacon Maple Cupcakes by Mini Empire Bakery. Starting with a biscuity-cake base, these are topped with a rich daub of maple buttercream and topped off with bacon for a perfect sweet and salty union that tastes like a sort of breakfast-meets-dessert party in your mouth.

And they're available for purchase at Seattle Coffee Works downtown, and at Mioposto in Mount Baker! Or I'll bet if you asked really nice, they'd do a custom order for you too.

Find out more about Mini Empire Bakery on their website.

Awesome Overload: 50 Moments from the Sweetest Week Ever

Life is pretty sweet, no doubt about it.

But a couple of weeks ago, when I had the distinct pleasure and honor of attending CupcakeCamp in Newport, OR -- as well as several other sweet occurrences in the days following -- it was a little bit sweeter than usual.

Share the memories with me (that was a command, not a request):

  1. To warm up my belly for a long day of eating cupcakes, I was sure to stop and get a delicious biscuit first, from The Coffee House, a place with a lackluster name but amazing sweets. How far would you travel for a delicious biscuit? Consider a road trip to Newport.
  2. Arriving at the show, I felt so welcome.
  3. OMG! My artwork was on the poster!
  4. Double OMG: I think this is the first time I've ever seen my likeness on a poster. Cake celebrity!
  5. Triple OMG: Look who else is on the poster!Photo credit: Bakerella
  6. This is a big one: I finally got to meet Bakerella.
  7. Bakerella! 
  8. Finally! After all of our sweet back and forth.
  9. And I got to meet her friend "Cupcake Julie", too, who is an absolute delight and inspiration!
  10. I got to hang out with my friend (and CakeSpy sponsor) Carrie of Bella Cupcake Couture fame. This time, she was one of the judges at CupcakeCamp.
  11. I also got to meet Dianna Lopez, who is a professional cake decorator and taught a decorating class in which they used my artwork as inspiration. Cool!
  12. This time, I got to teach a class, showing children (and kids at heart) how to watercolor cupcakes. Of course, there was some confusion about this--I taught them how to do watercolors OF cupcakes, not watercolor ON cupcakes.
  13. I may or may not have felt slight pangs of jealousy when I saw the kids' creations, like this one
  14. And this one
  15. and this one
  16. and this one
  17. and this one
  18. and this one
  19. and this one
  20. and this one
  21. ...and this one too.
  22. And the adults had some nice showings too--here's Julie's (above).
  23. ...and Bakerella's (above).
  24. You'd think that after judging cupcakes at Seattle's CupcakeCamp, I'd be tired of tasting cupcakes 30 at a time. But you're wrong.
  25. There were so many delightful displays of cupcakes, but one of the standouts was definitely by Rocket Queen, whose cupcakes I have enjoyed in the past.
  26. Judging was hard, but someone had to do it, and so I tasted peanut butter filled and frosted cupcakes...
  27. ...and huckleberry cupcakes...
  28. and decorated cupcakes...
  29. and cupcakes for Halloween...
  30. and rainbow cupcakes...
  31. rows and rows of cupcakes...
  32. and cupcakes decorated to look like ice cream sundaes (!)
  33. and cupcakes made by kids (maybe some of the same kids who took my class?)
  34. and vegan cupcakes...
  35. ...and even cupcakes with fish!
  36. ...and wouldn't you believe, I was even asked to AUTOGRAPH something. I felt like a bona fide big deal, people.
  37. After all this awesome, I kind of wanted to take a nap, but I didn't. I powered on over to Portland, where my totally sweet friend Nicole was having a bachelorette weekend. I arrived just in time for cheesecake from Laurelhurst Market (good timing!).
  38. And back at the hotel room, there were cupcakes from Cupcake Royale.
  39. In the morning, we went to Mother's, where I love the biscuits and cookies...
  40. ...before breakfast, we got a cinnamon roll.
  41. ...and after breakfast, we got some chocolate cake (secret ingredient: BEETS! Pictured at top of post)
  42. ...and then after that, while browsing about, I discovered the best bike in the world: Biscuit Bike!
  43. Then, I saw some of my artwork at Presents of Mind!
  44. Back home in Seattle, Bakerella and Julie came to visit my store!
  45. ...and while they were there, I was surprised by a visit from Cake Gumshoe Phuong (here all the way from Boston!)
  46. ...and a visit too from the amazing food writer Rebekah Denn and her adorable new baby daughter, who I have taken to calling "Miss Marshmallow".
  47. All of them (Bakerella, Julie, Phuong, and Rebekah) got to meet Porkchop.
  48. I was also an expert on Questionland that week. Cool!
  49. And later on that week, a visit and little Halloween shindig with the totally awesome Alicia Kachmar.Photo Credit: Bakerella
  50. And finally, a question and answer session and book signing at Williams-Sonoma with Bakerella before we sent her on the rest of her totally sweet tour.


Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Reasons Why You Should Visit Cupcake Royale in Bellevue

Being firmly planted in the camp of "Bad Things Happen When You Leave The City", I never thought I'd find myself saying this, but...'ve got to get your sweet self over to Bellevue to check out the new Cupcake Royale.

Don't just pack up based on my simple statement, though, because I've got a baker's dozen of reasons to back up this suggestion of an epic crossing-the-water journey. Here goes:

  1. First off, let's just say it: Cupcake Royale rules. They are cool, they have good cupcakes, and now they're in Bellevue. You owe them a visit.
  2. OK, and on to the specifics. Ye Olde Exterior. I've got to say that (no offense) when I think "Bellevue", I think of malls, chain stores, and confusing underground parking. But somehow Cupcake Royale has managed to find its own unique niche--a place as unique and special as their cupcakes.
  3. Ye Olde Interior. Formerly the home of an IHOP, I suspect that their may be elves lurking in the kitchen (actually, I can confirm that there are. I met one, and her name is Rachel.)
  4. Ye Olde Interior, continued: it has a storybook-worthy back room. I want grandma to read me stories back here, while I stuff myself silly on cupcakes and Stumptown Coffee.
  5. Speaking of Stumptown, this is the first joint on the Eastside to be serving it, I believe. Woot!
  6. They have an expanded variety of morning sweets and cookies, from Macrina and also from another local Bellevue bakery. Yes!
  7. They have the most adorable little dumbwaiter-esque system by which they slide cupcakes through the wall from the kitchen to the retail area. OMG!
  8. New Fall Flavors: OK, so you could get it at the other locations too, but wouldn't a pumpkin cupcake with maple frosting taste just a little more magical in a place where you might see an elf?
  9. They have this super sweet campaign: "Practice Random Acts of Cupcakes". Is this not the most delightful thing you've ever heard?
  10. I swear, owner Jody Hall gets cuter with every new location she opens.
  11. They have an expanded retail space at this store, which means that you can get even more of their totally sweet tongue in cheek tees ("Rock Out With Your Cupcake Out", "Legalize Frostitution"--you know, cute).
  12. The cupcakes are baked on-site, and are already making Bellevue sweeter, based on the crowds!
  13. Hint, hint: You may be seeing some CakeSpy stuff there in the future! 

Seriously, what are you waiting for? Find directions and details at

Cake Byte: New Thanksgiving Rubber Stamp Designs by CakeSpy for Taylored Expressions

We're entering that totally sweet time of year when delicious sweet foods abound--Halloween Candy! Thanksgiving pie! Christmas cookies!

And this Thanksgiving, I know how you can help digest all that awesome: get crafty with these super cute new rubber stamps featuring my artwork, released by the always amazing Taylored Expressions!

Here's the 411:

Gobble Gobble is a set of 16 images and sentiments made from deeply etched rubber in a *cute* shade of pink! The cling-mounted stamps are packaged on a 5.5" x 8.5" storage panel with a color printed index and come already die cut so they're ready to use as soon as they arrive on your doorstep. Check out all of the inspiration in the Gobble Gobble Gallery!

So what are you waiting for? Go buy them now. And don't forget to check out the super sweet gallery of project ideas!

Cake Byte: October Sweetness at CakeSpy Shop!

Dudes. Dudettes. Don't, like, freak out, but there are some very awesome things on the horizon at CakeSpy Shop (415 E. Pine St, Capitol Hill, Seattle) this month.

October 9, 5-8 p.m. Witch Craft Book Tour Halloween Party

Trick or Sweet? There will be plenty of both at this Halloween party with guest of honor Alicia Kachmar, co-author of Witch Craft: Wicked Accessories, Creepy-Cute Toys, Magical Treats, and More!, a collection of totally sweet Halloween crafts and recipes (and whose totally adorable crocheted candy corn and other sweet characters can be purchased at CakeSpy Shop!). Get your book signed, enjoy crafty activities from the book, engage in Halloween games, and indulge in Halloween cupcakes!

Oh, and there will be prizes! WIN sweet treats or perhaps even a copy of Witch Craft!

October 14, 6-8 p.m. Artist Reception: Jill Labieniec

Let's face it: the walls of your house look lame. Why not remedy the situation by buying a gorgeous print by Seattle-based artist and CakeSpy buddy Jill Labieniec? She'll be showing artwork in the upstairs gallery at the shop for October, and we'll be hosting an artist reception on Thursday, October 14th, so you can meet the super sweet artist yourself!

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Recipes Featured on Peanut Butter & Co.!

Probably you already suspected this...but I'm an all-star.

No, not in the "can't get that Smashmouth song out of my head" sort of way. I've been chosen as an All-Star Blogger and contributor to the Peanut Butter & Co. All-Star Recipe Blog!

Basically, this means that you'll be seeing a series of totally sweet recipes dreamed up by moi on the site over the next few weeks, featuring (natch!) the awesomely rich and delicious peanut buttery goodness that is Peanut Butter & Co. peanut butter, a product which I am very happy to say I believe in, and frequently eat by the spoonful. You can already find a recipes for Peanut Butter Nanaimo Bars and for a Peanut Butter Dutch Baby, with more to come!

Keep updated on all of the sweet (and savory!) recipes on the site, from myself and a knockout series of food writers/bloggers, on the Peanut Butter & Co. All-Star Recipe Blog!

Cake Byte: Essential Baking Debuts Tea Cakes for the Northwest Tea Festival

Finish this phrase: Tea and _________.

If you said "sympathy", you're a dope. Because the correct answer is CAKE.

And you'll have plenty of it if you go to this year's Northwest Tea Festival, because this year, there's an official Tea Cake maker for the event: Essential Baking Company! The clever little cookies over at EBC have developed three unique tea cakes which will be debuted at the festival, but will also be part of their retail bakery offerings. Designed to be paired with a wide variety of teas, these buttery cakes are all delicately sweet, each with a fresh, contrasting flavor to refresh the palate: think blueberry-orange, carrot-pineapple, and raspberry-lemon. 

Now, don't get too jealous, but since I got a sneak peek (er, taste?) of these cakes at the lovely Perrenial Tea Room in the Pike Place Market, I can attest that you should start working up your appetite. The Northwest Tea Festival takes place next weekend, October 2 + 3, at the Seattle Center.

For more info on the festival, click here; also, I should tell you that the loaves will also be available at Essential Baking retail locations.

Cake Byte: New Holiday Card Designs Available!

Some say that the Christmas season starts earlier and earlier every year, but I say if it's a season that involves cookies and Yule Logs, bring it on.

And it's in that sweet spirit that I'm delighted to unveil my 2010 collection of holiday cards! As reported on Cupcakes Take the Cake by the charming Java Cupcake, the sweetest cards on earth are now available online and at CakeSpy Shop--but be warned, they won't be reprinted, so when they're gone they're gone!

Of course, if you were a fan of last year's popular Naughty and Nice collection, I do still have a limited quantity of mixed cards available; or, you can either mix and match or have me choose a mix for you.

Find it all online at!

Cake Byte: Update on Cupcake Royale's Bellevue Location!

Dudes, dudettes. How exciting is it that Cupcake Royale is expanding to Bellevue?

Well, they've done an official press release, which is pasted below to give you all the sweet scoop!

We've been in Seattle for seven years now, baking our cupcakes fresh from scratch each and every day using mostly local, organic, and sustainable ingredients. We make 'em with love, the way Grandma did, and we hand-frost each and every one with real American buttercream. It's been a super sweet seven years, and we are proud to call Capitol Hill, Ballard, Madrona and West Seattle home. Now,we want in on all the Bellevue fun.  As a token of our friendship, we're bringing cupcakes! Seattle's Best Cupcakes, actually. That's right, folks. At the end of this month, we are opening the doors to our newest cupcake café Bellevue!

Our fifth cupcake café is gonna be an extravaganza of cupcake and coffee Americana goodness! The newest addition to the Cupcake Royale family will make its home in one of America's original IHOP buildings, complete with all the architectural charm and whimsy of those bygone days. Remember the A-frames and the wood paneling? As Jody likes to say, this is "what our café would have looked like had we opened in 1971." We're lucky enough to work once again with Roy McMakin on a quick and easy, guerilla-style makeover, to create a hip and homey neighborhood cupcake café that we think you'll really love.

This café is going to be special for sure. A little bit different from our Seattle locations, this one will celebrate the history of the building and the quirkiness of the original design with a sweet and sassy combo of found decor, relics from the original IHOP, and custom pieces created especially for Cupcake Royale, like the 30-person, Doug Fir picnic table where you and all your friends can hang out on our patio. For those of you who frequented the original IHOPs of yore, you may remember those cool open kitchens. Well, we're keeping that, too! The café will feature a wide-open kitchen where wide-eyed cupcakers of all ages can marvel at the magic of our behind-the-scenes operations.

The perfect partner for all this cupcake love? STUMPTOWN! We'll be the first café in Bellevue to be brewing those legendary Stumptown beans. That's right, people! We're bringing the very best, small-batch, freshly roasted beans in the whole wide world to Bellevue. And for those lazy days at home, we'll feature a fine little assortment of whole beans and home-brewing equipment.

Hold on! There's more! The new café will open its doors at the end of this month, and we know it sure wouldn't be very Royale of us to get our brand new friends-and-neighbors-to-be all excited about the impending cupcake funtimes...and then leave them waiting. So...the piece de résistance...THE MOBILE CUPCAKE PARTY-CART!  We are super excited to be debuting Puget Sound's first-ever mobile cupcake cart! It's like a hot dog cart, only way more awesome, and filled with cupcakes. We'll be parkin' our cart in the parking lot and serving up fresh-baked goodness to our new friends and neighbors until the doors to the café are officially open. We sure would love it if you stopped by and said hello. Anyone who gets a cupcake from the cart will also get a thank you card good for a free coffee when the doors to the café finally do open. Once the café is open for business, the Cupcake Party-Cart will head out into the world, available for birthdays, company parties, weddings, anniversaries, you name it!

For more info, visit!

Cake Byte: CakeSpy is About To Make Chicago Awesomer, September 11 and 12

Oh, Chicago, you're about to get so, so sweet!

For one thing, I'm coming your way for the Renegade Craft Fair next weekend. You'll find me and my crafty BFFAbbeyChristine cute-ing it up at the fair...come say hi! 

Second, I will be part of the HOOT! Owl group show at the Renegade Handmade store. It's a group show with a unifying theme: it's all inspired by Renegade Handmade's owl logo! My entry is pretty freaking adorable: it features a series of cupcakes and owls enjoying some delicious Tootsie Pops! Wonder who's gonna bite it first? One, two...three!

And, it goes without saying that you will vote for me, because it is a competition in addition to being a group show! And I could win a free booth at another Renegade Craft Fair, which means that I might come and show my art in your hometown! Well, if your hometown is New York, Austin, San Francisco, Chicago, or Los Angeles, that is. Voting will open in just a few days, but here's the link to bookmark.

For details on the Renegade Craft Fair, visit the official site!

Huckleberry, But Not Finn: Huckleberry Cupcakes for September at Cupcake Royale

What's a ton funner than climbing a mountain, and many times more delicious?

The Blue Mountain Huckleberry Cupcake from Cupcake Royale, that's what.

That's right: it's September, and it's time for a new flavor of the month. Here's what they have to say about the new variety:

Our fine friends over at Foraged and Found collect these delicate little woodland wonders and bring them to us fresh and direct. Baskets of sparkling huckleberries, packed with sweet Pacific Northwest goodness, fill our bakery in anticipation of being baked up into the perfect cupcake. So, that's we do with them, and we top it off with a huckleberry buttercream that's as pretty as it is delicious.

These are blue mountain huckleberries. They're a little different from the ruby red gems you might be picturing. They're  a bit sweeter, akin to a very fancy wild blueberry...only better! They make for one super delicious cake, and one beautiful hue for a buttercream!

Which just goes to show that a sugar high is better than, say, a Rocky Mountain High, any day of the week.

You can find this flavor all month long at all four Cupcake Royale locations; for directions and hours, visit Stay updated on their daily goings-on and the progress of their upcoming Bellevue location via Twitter!

Upcoming Sweetness: Birthday Week Extravaganza!

 Guess what, sweeties?

Next week (thursday, the 26th, to be exact) is the birthday of CakeSpy founder and Head Spy Jessie! And in typical over-the-top sweet fashion, there will be much celebration and sugar.

Birthday Cake a Day at CakeSpy Shop!

There will be a birthday cake each day at the store next week, Tuesday (the 24th) through Sunday (the 29th)! (closed Monday). What flavors will they be? See for yourself--come and have a slice and say happy birthday! It will be on a first come, first-served basis, so be sure to come by and get your sugar fix while you shop! 


Since I feel for you poor souls who aren't able to be in Seattle for aforementioned sugarfest, I will be doing an online giveaway every other day next week: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. Stay tuned! Of course, in the meantime, don't forget to enter this giveaway!

Capitol Hill Summer Sale!

CakeSpy Shop will be participating in the sweetest summer sale in Seattle! Here's the 411:

Come visit Capitol Hill for our huge Summer Sale Thursday, August 26th through Sunday August 29th.  You will find deals, sales and events all weekend long up and down Pike, Pine and Broadway in the heart of Capitol Hill!  Capitol Hill has everything you need for a picnic in the park; shopping for the whole family; breakfast, lunch and dinner; dancing lessons; yoga classes; adult toys; night life fun and more!  Be sure to attend the kick off Mobile City party on Thursday night and then plan on coming back all weekend to walk around Capitol Hill during our Summer Sale and get great deals on everything you need, just a few block away.

This sale will also be a great opportunity to donate to Northwest Harvest--a donation bin for non-perishable food goods will be at CakeSpy Shop!

CakeSpy Shop will be offering offering 10% off all purchases $50 or over for the big sale. This offer is good only by mentioning the sale, and is only valid Thursday through Sunday in the retail shop.

Here's to a super sweet upcoming week!

Cake Byte: Cupcake Royale to Open New Location in Bellevue!

Break out the fat pants, Bellevue: your fair city is about to get a whole lot sweeter.

That's right: a buttercream wave is riding across the 520 bridge and coming your way, and its name is Cupcake Royale. 

They have officially announced the upcoming opening of their fifth retail location in Bellevue! 

Still waiting on details including location and official opening date, but in the meantime, they are hiring! Get more details here.

Get breaking news via their Twitter feed, or check out their blog here and their website here.

Pastry Public Service: Preventing Dessert Desertion

Friends, I know that CakeSpy is generally sweet and upbeat in tone, a sweet retreat from the everyday grind. But today we're going to have to get serious for a few minutes.

I feel as if it is my duty to solemnly address a rising epidemic in the world of sweets: dessert desertion.

I have compiled a collection of images to illustrate and bring attention to this alarming trend and to raise awareness for the plight of the abandoned pastry. I warn you, the following imagery may be disturbing.

This Oreo, for instance: cut down in its prime. It could have been that much more of a snack, if only it had been given a chance.

Or this croissant. Poor little buttery baked good wasn't even given a chance to be a complete breakfast.

And this muffin. I know, I know. The top is the best part. But did you really have to decapitate and then discard this muffin and leave its maimed remains for all of us to see?

And this donut, discarded with just a bite left. Who does that?

...and words can't even describe the pain and anguish that this image evokes.

But no, this plight isn't just limited to baked goods: I have, with my own eyes, witnessed a mass candy disposal. They could have been headed to Candy Mountain, but instead, it was Candy Murder.

But what can you, as an individual, do to help? Here are some tips.

  • Eat quality sweets. This way, the desire to discard will be diminished.
  • Wrap it up! Don't toss it just yet. You might want it later.
  • Don't be a deserter! Offer it to a friend. A lot of people are happy to finish what you started, when it's in dessert form.
  • And if you must discard? Please, do it humanely and out of the sight of sensitive sweet tooths like yours truly.

Please, take action! Don't let another sweet treat go to waste. Only you can prevent dessert desertion!

This has been a public service message from CakeSpy.

Cake Byte: Sweet Sandwich Fever in Las Vegas!

Guess what? As I recently learned from a Las Vegas PR person, August is both National Sandwich month and National Dessert Month. And happily, he gave me a very detailed lowdown on how some of the top eateries are celebrating--and they sound pretty good, if I do say so myself. These eateries may not be within everyone's range, but it's fun to dream, no?

  • Skybox Sports Bar and Grill at ARIA Resort & Casino is home to Vegas’ Ice Cream Sandwich Lollipops. Delicious and delectable, the dessert features a trio of ice cream flavors, including double chocolate mint, butterscotch-cappuccino and chocolate chip-vanilla, sandwiched between three classic varieties of mouth-watering cookies. The restaurant also serves Burger, Fries and a Shake, a delicious threesome that features a strawberry cheesecake slider with chocolate-dipped potato chips and a malted banana milkshake.
  • James Beard Award-winning chef Hubert Keller has created a delicious twist on the classic American burger at his restaurant Burger Bar at Mandalay Bay.  The Chocolate Burger and Creamy Cheese Cake Burger utilize warm donuts as buns, Nutella or cheesecake as ‘patties’, strawberries as the tomato and passion fruit gelée as cheese. Keller’s creations redefine the taste of typical desserts with culinary precision that only a master chef can provide. 
  • Created by Laurent Tourondel, Bon Appétit’s 2007 Restaurateur of the Year, the Macaroon Ice Cream Sandwich at BLT Burger at The Mirage has re-imagined the concept of dessert. Delivered in strawberry, vanilla or chocolate-hazelnut flavors, this dish delights taste buds with the sweet flavor of the ice cream and the earthy essence of the macaroon.
  • The Ice Cream’wich, a twist on a traditional favorite, can only be found at ‘wichcraft at MGM Grand. Designed by legendary chef and Bravo’s Top Chef judge Tom Colicchio, this sweet sensation features Häagen Dazs vanilla ice cream sandwiched between two chocolate, coconut or walnut cookies.
  • The tastiest treat at Aureole at Mandalay Bay, the Grilled Brioche with white truffle infused chocolate ganache, features dark chocolate ganache or pistachio olive oil ice cream in between two delicious pistachio lime biscotti.
  • Keeping with the pool-party trend sweeping through Vegas, WET REPUBLIC, the adults-only ultra-pool located at MGM Grand, offers The Whoopie Pie. With a whipped cream center sandwiched between two pieces of pound cake, this dessert is a perfect treat while having some fun in the sun.

Dough-Eyed: Cookies and Controversy from My Dough Girl in Salt Lake City, Utah

Which would you like first? The good news or the bad news?

The good news: My Dough Girl Cookies, a bakery in Salt Lake City, makes amazingly delicious cookies. I mean, like, really good. Fat, chewy, buttery, and flavorful morsels, sweetly packaged in the cutest retro sleeves. I recently had the good fortune to try several when SLC-based Cake Gumshoes Rob and Carol came to Seattle for a visit and brought me four specimens for me and Mr. Spy to sample.

We tried the "Lilly" (lemon sugar cookie with lemonheads and lemon glaze), which was bright and sunny and -- surprise, crunchy!--from the addition of sweet-sour lemonhead candies, the "Sandy" (the special flavor of the month, with macadamia nuts, zucchini, and milk chocolate), which was an unlikely, but oddly addictive combination--

--as well as a rich, filled chocolate cookie, and what I think may have been the "Betty" (oatmeal cookie with fruit bits), which was moist, buttery, and not at all as healthy-tasting as it may sound. In a good way.

The bad news: My Dough Girl Cookies won't exist for much longer. You see, one chubby little white guy doesn't like this Utah-based bakery's name very much at all--the Pillsbury Dough Boy. As it turns out, owner Tami Cromar recently received a cease and disist" order from General Mills, saying that she'd better change the name of her bakery.  According to The Salt Lake Tribune

The national company, which owns Pillsbury, said the name is too similar to its iconic Dough Boy character and represents trademark infringement. The letter also suggests that because My Dough Girl sells frozen take-and-bake cookie dough — just like Pillsbury —the Utah product could tarnish the company’s reputation.

Rather than fight, Cromar has decided to comply with the request, which includes a gag order that forbids her to talk to news media. She referred calls and text messages from The Salt Lake Tribune to her attorney, Catherine Lake. Calls to Lake’s office also weren’t returned.

But don't despair, because there's more good news: Although the name will change, the cookies will not. As the article goes on to say,

"I have to stick to baking so cookies can still be a part of all our futures,” Cromar wrote earlier this week. “ If the Dough Girl fights, there will be no cookies."

And that would be seriously bad news.

Whatever you want to call them, you can find 'em at 770 South 300 West, Salt Lake City, Utah; online here.

My Dough Girl on Urbanspoon

Sweet News: High 5 Pie Opening a Retail Bakery in Seattle!

If you are foolish enough to think that Capitol Hill, Seattle can't get any sweeter--what with it being the home of Cupcake Royale, Bluebird Ice Cream, North Hill Bakery, Oddfellows Cafe, Molly Moon's, Old School Frozen Custard, and CakeSpy Shop (ok, figuratively at the latter, but still), and all--well, you are wrong.

'Cos guess what? High 5 Pie is opening a retail bakery on 12th Avenue. That's right: Dani Cone's pie genius will now be readily available at one wonderful place, seven days a week, with an expanded menu. Yes!

Want the scoop? Well, as reported on the Capitol Hill Seattle blog, 

The shop and production bakery will occupy the large corner spot of the Trace retail space that has sat empty since the building was completed in 2007. Cone is excited about the 22-foot ceilings and said the south wall will be big windows that will look into the bakery and cafe. Cone said the pie shop will also feature Fuel Coffee along with what she called a "classic pie shop" featuring dozens of varieties of pies and, yes, ice cream, too. The High 5 shop will also sell frozen pies and pie items to 'take n bake,' Cone said. According to Department of Planning records, the build-out of the shop will cost around $80,000.

As for opening date? Still undetermined, but hopefully before the end of 2010.

Basically, my suggestion is that if you're in Seattle, you should be very, very excited. And if you're not in Seattle, you should start browsing airfare.

Check out High 5 Pie here.