Baker's Dozen: A Batch of Sweet Links


Oh, hi. Happy Friday. Let's get to the weekend quicker by linking the workday away, shall we?

Awesome overload: Cinnamon Bun Recipe from Momofuku's Christina Tosi, via DailyCandy.

Sweet video: music by OK OK, animated with cupcakes!

Sweet Movember: support a good cause (Emmett is!) and celebrate with Moustache Cookies and Cream Cake.

Me, Me, ME! Design the sweet cereal of your dreams--sharing not necessary.

Have Your Cake and Drink it Too: Alcohol-laced sweets from Baking Lab (via DailyCandy)

Silver and Gold: CakeSpy got 2nd place in the Best of Western Washington! Congrats to the very worthy and adorable winner, Seattle Food Geek.

Post-it: Check out the totally sweet poster I designed for Will Bake For Food, a very good cause run by very sweet foodie people.

Brussels, but not for sprouts: enter the Callebaut chocolate recipe contest and you could win a trip to Brussels! (you just have to take me with you)

Sweet and salty delight: chocolate salted caramel tarts that look divine.

Chip off the old block: a highly coveted recipe for chocolate chip cookies, from Flour Bakery!

Think you're a dedicated baker? Here's a story about a lady who's been baking for 60+ years.

Fact: I pretty much love everything on the Baked Ideas website.

Bacon Pistachio Cookies? I'd try that.

Maybe I'm a-maize-d: Corn cookies from La Buono Tavola Truffle Cafe.

Taking the cake! I'll be at the Cupcakes Take The Cake Birthday Bash presented by Java Cupcake on December 7--after all, I did the art for the invites!