Learn how to make these and more!UPDATE: THE WINNER!
I have chosen a winner at random! It is NMT, who describes the perfect cupcake thusly:
The perfect cupcake is one that looks ALMOST too beautiful to eat, but then once you do take a bite the flavors and textures are so spot on that you're glad you did, and maybe just a teeny bit sad that you can't look at it anymore once it's gone. But you smile to yourself and fold your napkin while you think, "worth it".
If you've been reading CakeSpy for a while, you know what an immense fan I am of Jennifer Shea, proprietress of Trophy Cupcakes in Seattle. She was the first person I ever interviewed for this site, and I've seen her grow from one location to several in Seattle, had art shows at her bakeries, seen her featured on the Martha Stewart Show, and held in my hands her beautiful book.
And now, she's done a class with Craftsy, entitled The Perfect Cupcake. Everyone wants to know how to attain that, right? This class includes every facet of cupcake creation and decoration and is well worth your time. If you click on the link to the class just above, you'll get $5 off - a special offer for CakeSpy readers. You're welcome.
And guess what? ONE lucky reader can win the class! All you have to do is leave a comment on this post stating the following:
What is your idea of the perfect cupcake?
It's an open ended question--you could describe flavor, texture, decor, or all of the above. I'll choose one winner at the end of the day on Friday, the 26th. Since this is for an online class, international entrants are welcome. Good luck!