Life or Deathcake: Cupcake Royale Brings Back the Deathcake Royale

It's truly the most wonderful time of year in Seattle.

No, not Christmas, jerk: it's time for the yearly debut of the Deathcake Royale.

If this is death by chocolate, then bring on the gurney: this little brickster of a chocolate cake may have a hefty price tag, (at $6.66 it's definitely devilish), but be assured that it's an investment in pure pleasure: gorgeously decadent, comprised of a chocolate trifecta: Royale's chocolate cake, Stumptown Coffee ganache, and Theo Chocolate Decadence. 

Dude. This cake is good. 

This cake is served in a cubelike form designed to be "shared by lovers and loved by haters"; technically, it is meant to be shared, but one couldn't be blamed for downing it solo.

Ready for some Deathcake Royale? Start your calisthenics now, because this baby's making its debut on January 28, and will be available through February 14 at all Cupcake Royale locations; for directions and hours, visit You can also stay on top of their sweet news via their blog and their twitter feed.

Cake Byte: Artist Reception with Bunny Lee at CakeSpy Shop on February 10

There isn't much cake in Bunny Lee's artwork, but it sure is sweet! 

She'll be showing a series of original watercolor and pencil pieces at the retail CakeSpy Shop in February--many of them affordably priced under $100 for original artwork!

The artist herself will be on hand for a reception on the Second Thursday--and there will be cake served!

Here are the details:

Artist Reception with Bunny Lee

  • Thursday, February 10
  • at CakeSpy Shop, 415 E Pine St, Seattle WA 98122
  • 5-8 p.m.
  • The art will be up all month!

Shop for other sweet stuff online at

Not Just Pie in the Sky: Pie Day Celebration on January 23rd in Seattle

Put on your fat pants: National Pie Day is coming up on January 23rd. And you know what that means--the annual Pie Day Celebration is going on in Seattle! Of course, not that you needed to be told twice, since Pie is so hot this year--no need to campaign to make it cooler any more.

This is the biggest, baddest, awesomest Pie celebration you're going to find in Seattle--if you want a preview, check out this coverage of one of the past events.

But here are the details on this year's event:

Sunday, January 23rd, 2011

Pie Party 2011 in Ballard, Seattle: This annual pie eating event and fundraiser is in its 8th year in Seattle! Here's the blurb from their Facebook invitation:

The 8th Annual Pie Party at the Salmon Bay Eagles ballroom in Ballard is certain to thrill and amaze! Witness a wonderland of consumption from sweet to savory to piefectly experimental.  Come for the tasty pie and stay for the sizzling entertainment featuring readings by Seattle Poet Kate Lebo from her book The Commonplace of Pie, MC Chef Razzle Dazzle aka Fred Northup and Pie Song covers from musical luminaries including Jake London, John Ramburg, Fredd Luongo, Kim Virant, Johnny Sangster, Steph Turner & more! All proceeds benefit The Marsha Rivkin Center for Ovarian Cancer Research.  Admission is free with a pie in hand or baked-in with a $10 donation. T-shirts!  Raffles! Pie-pharnalia!  Deck yourself out in your bedazzled Pie Best and COME ON DOWN! CHILDREN WELCOME!

The details: Sunday, January 23, 6:00PM to 9:00PM. Location: Salmon Bay Eagles, 5216 20th Ave NW, 2nd Floor, Seattle, Wa, 98107.

Cake Byte: Bella Bella Cupcakes Opens a Retail Location in Silverdale, WA

Here's something sweet to celebrate this weekend: the opening of a new retail bakery! 

Bella Bella Cupcakes has been operating as a special-order operation for a while now, but is officially upgrading to brick-and-mortar as of January 15. Per an email from the owners,

Bella Bella Cupcakes is very excited to announce the opening of our new retail location on Saturday, January 15th at 10AM! The location address is 10726 Silverdale Way, Suite 107, Silverdale, WA. We will be open Tues-Sat from 10-7 and we will be serving Cupcakes, Blue Bird Coffee and Espresso, Viking Feast Ice Cream, Kolaches and specialty teas and sodas. Come in and relax a bit , we can't wait to see you! 

So what are you waiting for? Go check 'em out! 

Find Bella Bella Cupcakes at 10726 Silverdale Way, Suite 107, Silverdale, WA; online at, and you can also find them on Facebook.

Cake Byte: Velvet Elvis Cupcakes for January from Cupcake Royale

Elvis is Dead.

But--you know--not in our hearts. Or bellies, what with the likes of the Velvet Elvis, the Flavor of the Month at Seattle's Cupcake Royale.

That's right: in honor of what would have been (or...was! shun the nonbelievers!) Elvis's 75th birthday, the Cupcake Royale Crew is serving up banana cupcakes topped with a rich peanut butter chocolate fudge frosting--need I say this is a cake fit for a king? 

Or, you know, you. At least for the rest of the month of January!

Keep updated via Cupcake Royale's twitter account and their website! 

Cake Byte: Art Walk Tonight at CakeSpy Shop!

The line between cute and creepy can be a fine one sometimes, and artist-slash-standup comedian Emmett Montgomery walks that line with ease. His jokes are hilarious, and his artwork is unusual in the awesomest way possible: he makes puppets.

Yes, puppets. Out of paper bags, intricately decorated with sweet-but-dark characters. And this month, there's a selection of them on show at CakeSpy Shop, at 415 E. Pine Street, Seattle. 

The puppets range in price from $50 to $125, and tonight, you can come eat free cookies and meet the artist from 5-8 p.m. as part of the Capitol Hill Art Walk!

See you tonight!

The Biggest and Best Cake News Ever: CakeSpy Book Coming Out This Fall Through Sasquatch Books

Dudes. Dudettes. You know how reading is totally sweet and all? Well. It's about to get even sweeter, because it's with extreme excitement that I make this obnoxiously huge-type announcement:

CakeSpy got a book deal!

It's true. In what can only be described as a very good decision, Seattle's totally rad Sasquatch Books (the publisher of such gems as Doughnuts: Simple and Delicious Recipes to Make at Home by Lara Ferroni and The Newlywed Kitchen by Ali Basye and Lorna Yee) has taken this sweet spy under their wing to create what I'm sure my mom will tell you is "the best book ever".

And to sweeten the deal, I actually get to work with the people at the publishing house, in person: the Sasquatch offices are within walking distance from my house, and there happens to be a good bakery along the way.

But enough about me, let's talk more about my book. It's gonna be called Seeking Sweetness: CakeSpy Presents Recipes for a Sugar-Filled Life. And well, in case you hadn't figured it out from the title, it's going to be full of recipes--featuring some of my more deliciously decadent, butter-and-sugar packed ones, as well as plenty witty repartee and tons of illustrations of cupcakes, cookies, pies (they're so hot right now) as well as magical creatures such as unicorns, bunnies, and maybe a robot or two for good measure.

And there will be pictures! OMG, there will be pictures of these over-the-top desserts, taken by the lovely and amazing Clare Barboza, and styled by the multi-talented (I suspect she's a genius) Autumn Martin. Additional photos will be taken by the incredibly talented and awesome Rachelle Longe of Sasquatch Books. I can only imagine that it will be a departure from the usual food photo shoot to take pictures of things like Cadbury Creme Eggs Benedict.

And it's going to be out later on this year, in time for the holidays. So start saving your pennies, because you'll want to buy one for every single person you know. 

Basically, it's going to be the best thing to happen to butter and sugar since flour (but don't worry, I'm not getting a big head about it or anything).


Stay tuned for more information about this exciting project! Thank you to everyone who already has supported this great adventure (I'm looking at you, Mr. Spy, SpyMom, Gail FortuneJennifer Pooley, to name a few!) and to everyone who undoubtedly will help with the rest of the process!

Cake Byte: Chimney Cakes Opens in Chicago

Images from the Chimney Island Yelp pageHow to stay warm during the cold Chicago winter? Well. You could hunker down by a fireplace...or you could hit up newly-opened Chimney Cake Island!

Per CakeSpy reader Amy:

A bakery selling something called 'chimney cakes' opened up around the corner from me recently. Chimney Cake Island. I couldn't find any mention of the chimney cake on your site so I thought I'd pass the word along. Apparently chimney cakes are Romanian (?). I plan to stop into the shop this weekend.

Well, Amy, you are right about the cakes being associated with Eastern Europe. As I found out on that handy-dandy site Wikipedia,

Kürtőskalács or kürtős kalács is a Hungarian pastry also known as chimney cake or stove cake or Hungarian wedding cake. It is baked on a tapered cylindrical spit over an open fire. Originally from Transylvania, it is famous as Hungary's oldest pastry. Kürtőskalács is sold in bakeries, pastry shops and even street vendors are selling them on street corners, carnivals and fairs.

Kürtőskalács consists of a thin yeast pastry ribbon wound around a wooden cylinder, heavily sprinkled with sugar, thus becoming a helix shaped cylindrical pastry or a pastry roll that sometimes tapers very slightly towards the end. The pastry is baked on a hand-turned, tapered, wooden spit, rolled slowly on the wooden cylinder above an open fire. The dough is yeast-raised, flavored with sweet spices, the most common being cinnamon, topped with walnuts or almonds, and sugar. The sugar is caramelized on the kürtöskalács surface, creating a sweet, crispy crust.

In Chicago? Please report back with your thoughts on this intriguing new bakery! Find them online at!

Cake Byte: Elvis Doughnuts for the King's Birthday

January 6 kicks of the season of the King. The King Cake, that is.

But on the very next day, something equally important happens in Seattle: Top Pot Doughnuts debuts a sweet 48-hour only special, "King Rings"! Per a tip from CS reader Marlow:

Top Pot Doughnuts King's Rings

To commemorate the king's birthday (and only once a year!), Top Pot Doughnuts -downtown concocts a decadent yeast raised, fried doughnut ring draped in maple cream icing and topped with caramelized bacon, christened "The King's Rings"!

We will feature a very limited number of these at our Downtown 5th Avenue Location only on both Friday January 7th and Saturday January 8th.

Due to high demand, we will be limiting sales of the doughnuts to 7:00 AM - 10:00 AM on both days.  Limit one per customer.

These luscious doughnuts are offered to commemorate the King's Birthday and also the 14th Annual Seattle "Elvis" Invitationals!

At this point, I've given you the knowledge: use it wisely. Find directions to the 5th Avenue Top Pot on their website.

Cake Byte: Australian Cake Baking Competition in Seattle

Delicious Lamingtons and more!If you're an Aussiephile (what do they call people who are really into Australia?) and live in Seattle, this one is for you.

Australia Day is coming up, and there will be a big celebration at Seattle Center. But the best part? There will be an Australian Cake Baking Competition. Yes, you heard me correctly. Here are the deets:

Australian Cake-Making Competition

The cake can be made at home and brought in on the day of Seattle's Australia Day Celebration – any time before 2pm on January 22, 2011.

Each cake goes to a table of 6 judges where it is evaluated on presentation (25%) texture (25%) and taste (50%)

The application form is attached. As it is tied into the BBQ competition ignore all that aspect and just tick the cake box and send to the PNWBA or you can pay on-line at

You do not need to enter the meats or be a member of the PNWBA.

Australian Cake

What is an Australian Cake? It can be something typically associated with Australia such as a pavlova or lamington. Or a cake associated to an Australian ingredient such as Queensland pineapple or Darwin mangos. Or an international cake of any type such as chocolate cake or cheese cake that is decorated in an Australian fashion with things such as the Australian flag, kangaroos or Koalas.

Entry fee of $10 – Anyone can enter

First Prize $100!

Make at home and bring in on the day.

Still need some ideas?

 Find out more about the Australia Day Festival in Seattle on the official website.

Live and Let Pie: But Please Don't Let the Cupcake Die

Poor cupcakes. They've been the subject of so much foodie scorn lately: from NPR's battle cry of "Cupcakes are Dead, Long Live the Pie" to the New York Times' headline "Pie To Cupcake: Time's Up" to the derision on the Serious Eats forum about best and worst food trends of 2010. The message is clear: if you're a cupcake, you've gone the way of Von Dutch Caps, Ugg boots, and gaucho pants. You're out. The truly fashion-forward would never indulge (at least publicly).

And I can see the point. It does seem like new cupcake shops are cropping up at a rate not unlike re-animated brooms in The Sorcerer's Apprentice. And with cupcakes being offered at mass-market eateries such as Red Robin, Cinnabon, and Au Bon Pain, it's hard not to look at the cupcake without having "jumped the shark" type thoughts. 

And undoubtedly, the ubiquity of cupcakes will falter. Like the cookie shop fad that started with Mrs. Fields in the 1970s but began to fizzle with the recession of the 80's, this cupcake shop phenomenon is bound to have an arc. The weak will not survive, but maybe we don't want them to (because there's no bigger bummer than a bad cupcake).

But here's the thing. Cupcakes are cake, and that will never go out of style.

Let me tell you a brief story to illustrate my point.

One ill-fated year, before cupcakes or pie were trends, before Magnolia Bakery was an institution, I unwittingly made what turned out to be a major life decision: I decided to have banana cream pie instead of cake or cupcakes for my birthday party. What can I say? I was going through a phase.

The reaction from the party-goers was swift, and fierce.

"What the hell is this?" said one wide-eyed child (really).

"Where's the cake?" asked a confused parent.

"Is this to go with the cake?" said another child, hopeful, but with a slight tinge of panic in his voice.

Unfortunately, no, there was not a cake to go with that pie. And although the pie was perfectly serviceable--even better than good, as I recall--somehow, the experience left a bad taste in my mouth. And it wasn't forgotten by my so-called friends, who were quick to inquire the next year: "will there be cake this time?". Every now and again it would come up in conversation, too: "remember that year you had pie instead of cake for your birthday? What was up with that?". It was the biggest birthday shame I ever suffered. 

Now, don't get me wrong. I love pie. I love it enough to have had it for my birthday one year, and enough that I was even hired as pie recipe consultant for a newly opened Seattle bakery. I love it on a plate, in a cake, in a shake, on a stick. I, like, totally embrace pie.

But I'm not convinced it takes the cake.

Here's an idea: why don't we just let pie and cake get along? Pie on some days, cake on others? Or embrace diversity by combining them, as in the case of the Pumpple Cake or the Pake?

Or maybe we should just skip right to the good part and combine all of the "next big thing" desserts, mixing up a slurry of macaron-cupcake-artisan-ice-cream-whoopie-pie-salted-caramel-bacon-chocolate...and baking it up in a pie shell?

Come to think of it, that doesn't sound like such a bad idea.

But before I busy myself in the kitchen on that task, let me conclude: Cupcakes=good. Pie=also good. But all the same, please don't call me PieSpy.

Sweet Memories: 50 of CakeSpy's Most Delicious Experiences from 2010

It's that very special time of year when we pause and reflect on the year past, and for me, that means taking a few moments to think about the most delicious (usually buttery and sugary) things I've put in my mouth.

And in 2010, these were some of the standouts--50 things--some homemade, some made by others, and listed in no particular order--which I wish I was eating again, right this instant. And no, I don't have any regrets, and no, I am not going to be dieting in 2011. 

Here goes:

Custom CakeSpy artwork cupcakes for CakeSpy Shop Opening (pictured top): You might think it was hard to eat cupcakes with an anthropomorphic cupcake version of myself on them, but it wasn't.

Chocolate Brownie Pie: this decadent treat was my offering for Seattle's Pie day celebration, and I am so proud to say that it was one of the first items to disappear!

Velveeta Fudge: The most controversial sweet of the year, but I loved it. So rich and creamy. So awful and awesome, all at once!

Avocado Cake: So dense, so rich, so decadent. I wish I was eating it again right now.

Deathcake Royale: A yearly favorite, from Seattle's Cupcake Royale.
Berthillon Ice Cream, even if the cone kind of does look slightly unfortunate. In Paris, this is the place for ice cream, and now I know why: it is delicious.

Doughnut Upside Down Cake, which I made for Serious Eats; because yes, a classic (Pineapple Upside Down Cake) can be improved by substituting doughnuts for fruit.

Linzer Cookie, Mount Bakery, Bellingham, WA. This was the perfect specimen of what a linzer cookie should be: crumbly, nutty, and with a nice, tart contrast from the preserves. Simple but perfect.

Cadbury Creme Eggs Benedict: Yes, I'm serious. As serious as a heart attack.

Opera Cake from Dalloyau, Paris. The place that made Opera Cake legendary, and still the maker of some of the best.

Bouchon Ho-Ho, NYC. I'm sometimes wary of fanci-fied fast food, but this was very good.

Homemade Oreos from Abigail's Bake Shop--construction-wise, they were like Oreos, but taste-wise, something else on a whole different level.

King Cake from Sucre, New Orleans: What a sweet treat in the beginning of 2010--a rich, creamy cake to kick off the new year.

Salted Peanut Crisps: there's a reason why they were the official cookie of 1950-55, according to Betty Crocker.
Cornmeal Blueberry Cookie Bars: Almost healthy, to boot!

Cupcakes by Cake Eater Bakery, Minneapolis: Muraling was hard work, and I needed some delicious cupcakes to keep me energized. Happily, the cupcakes made by the place I was doing a mural were delicious!

Nanaimo Bar by French Meadow Bakery, Minneapolis: who would have thought I'd discover my favorite Canadian treat in Minneapolis? Not only did I, but a fine specimen indeed.

Macarons by Pierre Herme, Paris: like little cookie clouds. They made me understand why people love macarons.

Coffee Eclair from Stohrer, Paris: Stohrer has been making pastries since the 1700s, and obviously they've honed the art: these eclairs are very, very good.

Hot chocolate from Angelina, Paris: like melted candy bars, this drinking chocolate was a truly decadent treat, and the fact that it was served on a fancy tray in the shadow of the Louvre didn't hurt the experience!

7-Up Cake: This cake had a lot of butter, but a lot of delicious flavor too: the lemon-lime of the soda added a certain je ne sais quoi that made it almost too easy to keep eating.

Lollipops by This Charming Candy: these lollipops are nothing like the ones you used to get at the Doctor's office: in refined flavors like salted caramel, pistachio-marshmallow, and tangerine-clove, these are meant to be eaten with pinkies out!

Pain au Chocolat from Bakery Nouveau, Seattle: who doesn't love crispy butter and chocolate, all served up for breakfast? This was a particularly fine variety.

Blackout Crumb Bars: Le yum. A decadent pairing of chocolate with crumb topping and shortbread crust.

Biscuits with Sugar Butter: This was the true breakfast of champions. So delicious and rich, I could have eaten my weight in it.

Lime Coconut bar, Street Treats, WA: Street Treats was one of my favorite new retail operations to start up in Seattle in 2010, and this bar was certainly a standout: a dense, creamy lime filling between crumb topping and a sturdy crust.

An early morning donut from Donut Pub, NYC: because no matter if 3am is early or late, it's the perfect time for a doughnut, and this place had me covered on a dark and stormy night.

Cupcakes from Frills, OR: these rich, delicious cupcakes saved my life during a long day vending at Crafty Wonderland.

Chocolate Peanut Butter Cookies inspired by David Lebovitz: worth stalking.

Blondie-topped brownies: Blondies? Brownies? Why decide? Indulge in both, at once. I did, and I loved it.

Pine State Biscuits, Portland, OR: Carbohydrate Heaven.

Banana Jumbos. OMFG.

Apple pie by High 5 Pie: perfectly crisp, not-mushy apple slices, paired with a most decadent, buttery crumb and crust. Perfection.

Chocolate Mudslide Cookies. Perfect for chocolate lovers: somewhere between truffle and cookie, reside these fat, flavorful little nuggets, which I loved every bite of.

The "Pixie" from Pix Patisserie, Portland, OR: a petite, but very sweet, little bite from the cutest bakery in Portland.

Behemoth Crumb Cake: nothin' but crumb, this was sort of last-meal territory for me, so good I couldn't stop eating it.

Red Velvet Cake Shake: Because yes, there is a way to make Red Velvet Cake better: mix it with ice cream and serve it with a straw.

Cinnamon rolls stuffed with chocolate chip cookie dough. Do I really have to explain why this one made the list? They were made of awesome, duh!

Kaleidoscope cookies: not only pretty to look at, these little treats pack a buttery, crumbly punch that makes you want to eat a full rainbow-full.

Pineapple butter cakes from Taiwan. Thank you, thank you, Kairu, for introducing me to this addictive treat.

Cookies by My Dough Girl, Utah: cookies with macadamias, chocolate, and zucchini? Unlikely as it may sound, it works, and it works well.

Trailer Park Special from Angel Food Bakery: a highlight from my September trip to Chicago, this featured a delicious homemade Twinkie, zinger, and more.

Vegan Oat Bar, Caffe Ladro, Seattle: A constant favorite, and it continued to be so this year.

Cowboy Pie from Hill Country Fried Chicken (oh, and many other things along Broadway)
Yumball, Three Tarts, NYC: if the name doesn't tell you why I loved this thing, the picture (above) should fill in the blanks.

Salt n pepper cookies by BAKED: like fancy oreos, with a kick: so compulsively eatable.

Nanaimo Bar Hybrid from Savary Island Pie: Nanaimo bar? Rice Krispie Treat? Scotcheroo? Why decide? Have them all at once. Le nom.
Buttermilk biscuits by Macrina: Fact, I have one of these almost every morning for breakfast. And I plan to continue this trend, until the day comes that I cannot even look one of these beauties in the eye anymore.

Baked Brownies: Still the best.

Hot chocolate from 7-11. What can I say, you can take the girl out of NJ, but you can't take the NJ out of the girl.

...and how about one bonus sweet to take us into the new year? How 'bout one I haven't written about yet, but will soon: the absolute singular sensation that is the Pumpple Cake (entire apple and pumpkin pies baked into vanilla and chocolate cakes, all held together with a ridiculous amount of frosting!), from Flying Monkey Patisserie? That's a pound or more of pleasure per slice, and we loved every inch of it.

Happy 2011!


Pie in the Sky: High 5 Pie Retail Bakery to Open in Seattle on December 31

2010, you're totally a lame duck. You are on your way d-o-w-n.

But before you go, let's go out in style, with a new bakery opening! Let's make it a good one: how 'bout High 5 Pie in Capitol Hill?

Now, naturally I am happy simply to see a new bakery open.

But I'm like, 5 times more happy to see this one open, because you see, I've been part of the story. That's right: some of the recipes for the new pie location have been aided and abetted by none other than Head Spy Jessie! Go ahead and add "pie consultant" to my resume--but don't call me Pie Spy.

Rigorous testing (and tasting) have been applied to several new recipes for the new retail location, and I hope you'll agree that they're extremely delicious. But don't take my word for it: see for yourself, when they open on December 31st! Does that seem too far away? Happily, they will also have a pre-opening event on December 30. Be there or be square! 

Pie squared, that is!

Find out more on the Capitol Hill Seattle entry on this breaking news!

Total Sweetness: CakeSpy and a Lucky Reader Win the Chronicle Books Happy Haul-idays Giveaway!

Like, OMG. No, not like OMG. Like, 


Remember that Happy Haul-Idays Giveaway I posted a while back, in hopes that myself and a lucky reader would win $500 worth of totally sweet Chronicle Books?

Well, we won. Me, and a lucky reader, Cari, that is. We each won a heaping parcel full of all of the books on this list, totaling $500 worth of totally sweet books. Here's the list I made up:

Whoopie Pies by Sarah Billingsley and Amy Treadwell

Cake Pops! By Bakerella!

I Love Macarons by Hisako Ogita

Flour by Joanne Chang

Southern Pies by Nancie McDermott

Luscious Coconut Desserts by Lori Long

Chocolate Cakes by Elinor Klivans

All Cakes Considered by Melissa Gray

Gingerbread by Jennifer McGlinn

Field Guide to Candy by Anita Chu

Field Guide to Cookies by Anita Chu

Baking for All Occasions by Flo Braker

Pops! By Krystina Castella

Luscious Creamy Desserts by Lori Longbotham

Killer Pies by Stephanie Anderson

Sticky, Chewy, Messy, Gooey by Jill O'Connor

Southern Cakes by Nancie McDermott

Sky High by Alisa Huntsman and Peter Wynne

Tartine by Elisabeth Prueitt and Chad Robertson

See's Famous Old Time Candies by Margaret Moos Pick

Cupcakes! By Elinor Klivans

Big Fat Cookies by Elinor Klivans

Luscious Chocolate Desserts by Lori Longbotham

Happier still? Looks like I'm in good company with reader Cari, whose name was chosen at random from a list of many entrants--when asked which book she'd go to first, Cari's response was: 

Do I have to pick one? For real? Can I just copy and paste the whole list? I want to make something different from each book every day for a year. Watch my mad skills and waistline grow!

Spoken like a true believer in the powers of sweetness. 

Of course, if you didn't win (sorry), you can still take advantage of some sweet deals from Chronicle

  • 35% off + free shipping through December 16, 2011
  • Use this promo code at checkout: HAULIDAYS

And you know, it wouldn't be such a bad idea to follow them on Twitter and Facebook, either. Sweet holiday wishes to everyone!

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Featured on the Official Twitter Blog!

Did you know that when I was in San Francisco recently, I got to visit a very special and magical place? 

No, it has nothing to do with those tasty mushrooms that the nice gentleman on Haight Street gave me. I'm talking about my trip to the Twitter offices! 

Just as you'd expect, it's very cool inside.

They have lots of adorable decor--Cuppie especially enjoyed the pillow in the lobby, pictured top.

Inside, there are clever riffs on their bird logo all over, several awesome pieces of art (like above) and--how freaking cute is this--people's offices don't have their names on the outside, they have their Twitter handles. So if I worked there, I'd have an office that said @cakespy outside. Doesn't that just kill you?

There was also cake. But that was unrelated to my visit. Turns out, just like real offices (because this one did feel very make-believe, in a good way), they have cake on employee birthdays.

I was totally there!I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Carolyn and Lindsay for a series called "Twitter Tales", in which a variety of Twitter users were asked..."how do you Twitter?", along with being asked about who we follow, our pet peeves on twitter, and secrets for successful twittery (mine: don't give lame updates!).

And--to make the deal even sweeter--I've now officially been called "The Most Adorable Person on Twitter"--by someone who works at Twitter.

That's right, prepare for the internet to explode.

Read the Twitter Tale featuring CakeSpy here!

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Feature in The Seattle Times!

Cupcake big, Jessie Small. Photo by John Lok, The Seattle Times

Who knew that drawing pictures of--and writing about--well, cake, could become such a big deal?

Fact: when started in the summer of 2007, I thought it would be what I did until I figured out what I really wanted to do with my life, a perfect intersection of my three biggest passions: writing, illustrating, and baked goods.

It never occurred to me that it could be the thing I did. But here we are, over three years later, and it is very much the life I am living, CakeSpy so much my alter ego that I don't notice sometimes when someone has called me "CakeSpy" instead of my real name (it's Jessie, by the way).

So it is incredibly meaningful to have a stunningly written and photographed article appear in the Seattle Times chronicling my oh-so-sweet story. I couldn't have asked for a more talented team to work on it: Rebekah Denn, that keen observer and incredible wordsmith (she's a James Beard award winner, people!), tells the story in such a way that I'm confident it might even explain to my family what I actually do for a living; the photo by John Lok has me feeling the urge to sing "I feel pretty...oh so pretty...". And of course, that famous little pink cupcake called Cuppie (thanks, Sandy!) is always a big presence.

Check out the full article here!

Sweet Savings: Holiday Weekend Sales at CakeSpy Shop!

Are you in a holidaze? No need to panic! There are sweet savings and plenty of awesome things waiting for you at CakeSpy Shop.

Here's what's on offer!

BLACK FRIDAY IN-STORE SPECIAL: Mention this post and you'll receive 15% off of your purchase at the CakeSpy retail store location at 415 East Pine Street, Seattle WA! This offer is good for Friday only, and only in-store.

THANKSGIVING HOLIDAY WEEKEND SALE: Shopping online? Well, through Cyber monday, apply code CSHOL10 to your order and you'll get 10% off the whole thing. How totally sweet is that? Do it online at

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Art Show Schedule for December 2010

To answer your question: no, I don't plan on sleeping at all til the holidays are over. Here's a calendar of upcoming events where you can spy a CakeSpy!

*Please note that I often bring cookies to my art shows, so consider that as an incentive in addition to the fact that you can hang out with me at the following events.

December 1: CakeSpy artist reception at Trophy Cupcakes! Come join me in kicking off the sweetest month of the year as I debut over 50 new pieces at the Wallingford Trophy Cupcakes location! There will be a reception from 5-8 p.m. with free cupcakes (first come first served, jerks!). Invite to be issued on Facebook soon!

December 4+5: Urban Craft Uprising! Like, OMG! Can you believe it's already time for the awesomest craft fair in Seattle? Neither can I. Be sure to get there early to pick up a swag bag! Oh, and don't forget to check out their blog (I'm featured on it today!). This event will go on all day Saturday and Sunday at the Seattle Center. Click here for details.

December 11+12: Crafty Wonderland! I'm hitting the road and bringing my awesome art and cards to Crafty Wonderland to sell at Portland's premier crafty event! If you live in Portand and haven't gone before, this must be the time. See you there! Click here for details.

December 18: Handmade Holidays Craft Fair! Here's your last shot for sweet holiday goodies, with this boutique show at Seattle's Richard Hugo House, featuring a handful of some of the city's best indie artists! This is a one-day wonder though, so be sure to save the date! Click here for details.

Of course, if you aren't in the Pacific Northwest, you can always score some sweet CakeSpy art or cards at

Sweet November: Candied Yam Cupcakes at Trophy Cupcakes, Seattle

It's the most wonderful time of year.

No, I'm not talking about gathering with your family for Thanksgiving. I'm talking about hovering over the bakery case at Trophy Cupcakes, where they've made their yearly debut of the highly coveted November special, the Candied Yam Cupcake. Featuring moist yam cake with pecans and fall spices, this magical confection is topped with a gooey marshmallow meringue which is browned with a kitchen torch (!). It may be a relatively low-fat treat (well, as cupcakes go) but it doesn't taste a bit virtuous, I promise.

But don't hesitate: like the holidays, treats like this are too good to last, and this one is available for a limited time only: Available Mondays, Tuesdays & Wednesdays in November, and all week prior to Thanksgiving! 
(11/19 - 11/24).

This will be a great lead-up to December, when there will be CakeSpy artwork hanging at Trophy all month long!

Available at Trophy Cupcakes and Party, various locations--find 'em online at

Cake Byte: Why I am Feeling Famous Right Now

Like, OMG! I am feeling pretty big-time this week, thanks to sweet features both online and in print:

Seattle Magazine Feature! Like, OMG! OMG! OMG! CakeSpy Shop received a totally sweet feature in Seattle Magazine, both online and in the November print edition (in which, btw, they give a sweet shout-out to This Charming Candy, the sweetest lollipops ever, which are available at the store). Buy it anywhere magazines are sold in Seattle (it has meat on the cover, you can't miss it), and check out the online story here.

RAMBLINGS with Kelley L. Moore: A totally sweet interview online with Seattle's style guru, Kelley Moore!Go ahead, you know you want to learn more about what makes me, a professional Cake Gumshoe, tick.

A "Slice" of Sweet Validation from Serious Eats: Now, the subject of this writeup is savory, not sweet--but the validation that I received from the Slice blog that there's nothing wrong with eating pizza at 10.30 in the morning, no matter what Mr. CakeSpy says, was extremely sweet. How many people get such public proof that they are right and their husband is wrong? YES!

Thanks again to everyone for supporting all of my sweet dreams! Love, CakeSpy.