Cake Byte: Total CakeSpy Awesomeness

Fact: earlier this week I called SpyMom and said "So much good stuff is happening right now, I'm scared that it means something bad is going to happen". SpyMom (in that no-nonsense New Jersey-for-life way she has) said "Quit being so Italian about it. Just enjoy it." Well, we are not Italian, but my grandma grew up in an Italian section of the Bronx, so I guess that counts. 

Basically, that was the long way of telling you about all of this awesome stuff which has been going on:

The Bakesale with Megan Seling of Bake It In a Cake was a huge hit! We ran out of cupcakes, but, you know, that gave us both some serious street cred. 

The sale was featured prominently on:

Photo: Not MarthaNot Martha

Capitol Hill Seattle


...and more. And the cast of attendees was equally star-studded, with guest appearances from Seattle royalty including This Charming Candy, members of Three Imaginary Girls, and Another Rainy Saturday.


But wait, there's more. A mere two days later, on the same day that my delicious maple cookie recipe aired on Serious Eats, I was alerted by a reader that yours truly was featured on the cover of Seattle Woman Magazine.

And upon a walk to my closest newsstand, I found this to be fact. And picked up a stack. OK, so I knew it was going to happen. I just thought it was a few more days til it would appear on the street. 

This was a very fun photo shoot, thanks to photographer Ingrid Pape-Sheldon, who is German, and while she speaks fluent English, there was just enough of a communication gap to make it very funny when she arrived to my store and said "I have seen many pictures of you on the internet". She then proceeded to tirelessly tease the best possible photo out of me, urging me to channel my "inner cupcake ninja" and telling me to "be fierce". No, really. 

The article features a plethora of talented Seattle ladybloggers (yes, really just said that), including a few names you may recognize from bestseller lists and Martha Stewart and stuff, including (alphabetically) Shauna Ahern, Keren Brown, Alice Currah, and Molly Wizenberg. And you know, all of them look totally hot in the photos (perhaps they were all urged to "be fierce" as well).

...oh, and finally, not to sound bossy or anything, but my awesome book is now available for pre-order on Amazon. Just do it. You know you want to. Buy one now, forget about it, and buy another in October, when I come to your town on my (to be announced) book tour. It has, by the way, been deemed "the cutest book cover ever" by the esteemed Amster-Burton family. And this family is made of cute, so listen to them.

Cake Byte: American Pie Opens in Georgetown, Seattle

This week, when Mr. Spy and I made our usual visit to Calamity Jane's for breakfast, we saw a most beautiful sight: American Pie, which has been "about to open" for a very, very long time, has now officially opened its doors in Georgetown, Seattle.

Sadly, they are not open on Sundays, though, so we didn't get to try the pies.

However, trusted CakeSpy comrade Terri, who works at Calamity Jane's, gave us the 411. Terri can most certainly be trusted, for many reasons, including but not limited to A) the fact that she was the first customer on the first day that American Pie opened; and B) She is the type of person who hosts butter parties.

Terri reports that she has tried several types of their pie, and has officially developed a deep love for their Chicken Pot Pie; on the sweet front, a blueberry pie with lattice-top crust and mini pecan pies have also struck her fancy. The crust is an exceptionally flaky, buttery specimen, adding a nice, savory contrast to sweet fillings, and a buttery complement to savory fillings.

They also sell a variety of empanadas and Spanish cookies, says Terri. While on the one hand it may seem funny that an establishment called American Pie sells a variety of ethnic sweets, it really is kind of all-American in that our nation truly is a melting pot.

Wary of yet more pie in Seattle? Well, as Terri so aptly put it, "I love pie. I mean, putting delicious things in buttery crust--what could be better than that?". Amen to that--bring on the butter, bring on the pie, bring on the sweet revolution!

Of course, if you're in Georgetown on a sunday, when American Pie is not open, Calamity Jane's does have dessert:

American Pie, 5631 Airport Way South, Georgetown, Seattle.

Cake Byte: The Bake It In A Cake Bakesale Was Awesome

Yarrr! There's a tiny cherry pie hidden in that there cake.If you came to the Bake it in a Cake bakesale at CakeSpy Shop today, awesome.

If not, I want to let you know how much awesome you missed (sorry). It was so rad that we sold out by about 3pm. That's right.

There were brownie cupcakes filled with snickers bars, with salted buttercream:

and brownie cupcakes filled with pretzels, M+Ms and salted caramel buttercream:

and cupcakes filled with lemon bars, with raspberry frosting:

and cupcakes filled with banana pies and topped with butterscotch buttercream and Nilla wafers:

...let's see the innards of that one:

and cupcakes filled with Easter candy (as enjoyed by superhottie Morgan of Mini Empire)

and cupcakes filled with Thin Mints:...I shouldn't have to tell you how much fun everyone had, but I will show you some pictures:

 I know, you wish you were there, right? Well, don't despair. Next week there will be another Bake Sale, this time to benefit Japan; there is also a bake sale coming up in April with Max of The Piecycle!

Keep updated on the CakeSpy Events Page! You can also stay updated via Facebook.

Cake Byte: Stolen Goods Pop-Up Bake Shop in Asbury Park, NJ

Dear Readers, I will tell you something. During my formative years, I went to high school in a town called Wall, in New Jersey. Next to Wall was a town called Brick. It never occurred to me that this was humorous until I married Mr. CakeSpy and he noticed it on a map.

What does that have to do with anything? Well, a few towns over, in Asbury Park, there's a place called The Brickwall, and next door, there's a small miracle afoot: Stolen Goods Bake Shop, a monthly pop-up bake shop run by Amanda Kane and friends. It's happening the first saturday of each month.What's on the menu? This month, an all-star roster including Chocolate Chip Cookies, Salted Fudge Brownies, Rocky Ledge Bars, Apple Cranberry Pie Squares, cupcakes,, Whoopie pies, Fudge Marble Cake, Pies (Apple Cranberry and Apple Crumb and possibly Rhubarb). And, of course, my favorite: black and white cookies.

Which is all to say, if you're in NJ, go check it out!

Find them on Facebook here.

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Art at The Paperdoll in Bellingham, WA

Guess what? Bellingham's about to get sweeter.

That's right: CakeSpy Art will be on show all April long at The Paperdoll, the cutest store in Bellingham!

I have been making an absolute art zombie of myself recently, painting some sweet scenes of my favorite Bellingham landmarks, including but not limited to, scenes of my signature anthropomorphic baked goods at Mallard ice cream:

...and at Mount Bakery:

...and at Rocket Donuts (nom nom): well as many others.

In fact, I worked so hard the other day that after eating a slice of chocolate cake the size of my head and completing four paintings in one go, I had a massive crash.

Just more proof that I never do anything halfway, sweeties.

CakeSpy Art at The Paperdoll, all April long. The Paperdoll is at 312 West Champion, Bellingham WA. Online here.

UPDATE: There will be an artist reception on Friday, April 1 from 6-10 p.m. Because I am working at my store today, I will not be arriving at the reception until approximately 8pm, but I will indeed be there!

Cake Byte: Bake Sale with Bake It In A Cake This Weekend at CakeSpy Shop

OMG! It's happening, this weekend, people!

The two awesomest blogs on the internet (hey, modesty is not my strong suit) are teaming up for a super sweet bake sale at CakeSpy Shop!

That's right. CakeSpy and Bake It In A Cake are having a bake sale on this Saturday, March 26!

There will be dozens and dozens (and dozens!) of cupcakes! Filled with delicious things! Available for your purchase (bring cash, sweeties!) and eating! At a shop full of adorable cards, art and gifts! What other information could you possibly need?

Oh, ok, details.

Date/Time: Saturday, March 26, 12pm - 5pm

Location: CakeSpy Shop, 415 E Pine Street, Seattle WA

This event is open to the public.

Learn more about Bake It in a Cake here; shop for awesome art in advance at

Cake Byte: Bakesale for Japan at CakeSpy Shop on April 2nd

Let's bring a little sweetness to those who may be struggling in Japan, ok?

Here's how we're gonna do it. With a Bakesale for Japan, hosted at CakeSpy Shop!

This is a national project, and in Seattle, bakers will be gathering and selling baked goods for this sweet cause at my little shop in Capitol Hill.

Here are the details of the project:

When: Saturday, April 2nd from 9am-1pm

Who: Professional and amateur bakers, cooks, artists, artisans, and musicians coming together around food to make something BIG happen.

How: Want to help? We’ll need bakers, artists, volunteers, and lots and lots of customers. Please send offers of help to

Why: So we can donate BIG BUCKS to Peace Winds Japan and help our brothers and sisters over there in the best way we can. Stay tuned for details.

More details will be posted as available! Once again, if you want to be part of it, please email

Sweet Success: Seattle's First Pie Slam At CakeSpy Shop Was Awesome

Every baked good tastes better with a backstory.

And there could be no sweeter illustration of this than at a totally sweet event held at CakeSpy Shop this week for Pi(e) Day on March 14: Seattle's first Pie Slam!

What is a Pie Slam, you ask? Think: Poetry Slam Meets Pie, and you're getting the idea. In this case, we opened it up to stories in addition to poems, but the basic idea was that each entrant would bake a pie, write a story about it, and present it to a crew of expert judges, who would then rate them on their story and pie, and ultimately come up with a winner.

The judges were like a who's who of the Seattle arts and food scene, including (from left to right) Dani Cone of High 5 Pie (and yes, her shirt says "Butter"), Kate Lebo of Good EggNancy Guppy of ArtZone, Wendy Sykes of Four and 20 Blackbirds, and yours truly (not pictured).

As a judge, I had to try every pie.

I took this job very seriously.

The nine entries, which will be individually profiled on this site in the coming week (with recipes in some cases!), were very eclectic, but all very delicious, including a chocolate cream pie with macadamia brittle, a Shaker Lemon pie, a pumpkin pie in a graham crust, a Pake (pie in a cake), a "Lunchbox Pie" which included peanut butter, banana, and chocolate covered potato chips, a fig-apple-walnut pie, a blueberry pie, and two delicious apple pies.

The stories were equally eclectic, ranging from heartfelt elegies to love stories to college dorm memories to humorous anecdotes about pie versus cake battles.

Happy organizers, Wendy Sykes and CakeSpy-JessieIt was a tough competition: when the scores were tallied, it literally came to several half-point differences in score--it was that close!

But ultimately Kate McDermott's tale and Shaker Lemon Pie took the cake (er, pie?) and she won a totally sweet ribbon as well as an original CakeSpy painting; Alexander's Pake and humorous pie-versus-cake story took second prize, and he received a handmade mitt made by Wendy!

Of course, everybody else won because they got to eat all of the rest of the pie.

Stay tuned for individual entries on each of the entrants, including tales and pie recipes! In the meantime, check out the photo gallery here!

Seeing Green: Trophy Cupcakes Offers Guinness Cupcakes with Irish Cream Buttercream for St. Patrick's Day

Everybody's Irish when there's a cupcake like this around!

That's right: it's March, and that means it's time for some serious sweetness at Trophy Cupcakes, where they've brought back their beloved St. Patrick's Day flavor: Chocolate Guiness Stout Cupcakes with Irish Cream Buttercream frosting on top!

If you suspect that these cupcakes are comprised completely of awesome, you are right. The stout adds a wonderful density to the cake, leaning more toward chocolatey than toward a beer-y flavor; the Irish Cream in the buttercream gives it a little zing--just enough so that you know it's there, but not so much that it drives you to distraction. This sweet treat will be available Monday, the 14th through the 19th, daily.

Trophy will also be debuting "Green Velvet" cupcakes this year on St. Patrick's Day, March 17th. "Green Velvet" is Trophy's award winning Red Velvet Cupcake gone green for one day…our traditional buttermilk and cocoa cupcake will be topped with Trophy's classic Cream Cheese Frosting made extra lucky with a hint of green. 

Available at all three Trophy Cupcakes locations; for availability, directions and hours, visit their website.

March into Yum: Bacon Whiskey Maple Cupcakes at Cupcake Royale

March is in like a Lion at Cupcake Royale, where their flavor of the month is bound to make the masses roar with good cheer: Bacon Whiskey Maple Cupcakes!

Here's the 411, direct from Cupcake Royale: 

For one month only, get moist vanilla butter cake, made from local ingredients like milk, eggs, and butter from Medowsweet Dairy and specially milled Shepherd's Grain cake flour from Eastern Washington, hand-frosted with Irish Whiskey Maple Buttercream. Made with Jameson Irish Whiskey and real maple syrup, this malted maple swirl truly takes the edge off...a sweet tooth, that is. Dusted with either bacon crumbles from Zoe's meats or organic maple sugar and shamrocks, it's delicious to the tiniest detail.

But don't hesitate--in this spy's experience, the flavor of the month is usually first to disappear from the bakery case on most days! To ensure availability, call ahead.

Available all March long at all Cupcake Royale locations; for directions and contact info, visit Of course, you can keep up to date with their goings-on at and via Twitter.

Cake Byte: CakeSpy Entry in Sock It To Me's Design-A-Sock Contest

So, I just entered what is probably the best sock design ever in the Sock It To Me "Design-a-sock" contest. The image is above. You're probably not even reading this because you're so enchanted by the design.

Don't you think I should win? If so, starting March 7 on the Sock It To Me facebook page, you can help by weighing in on the finalists. I know I'm giving you advance warning, so don't worry, I'll remind you again. Because I know you'd totally wear these socks.

In the meantime, check out all of the other awesome sock designs at Sock It To Me!

Cake Byte: Introducing Madyson's Marshmallows

Oh, great. Another talented kid has come along to remind me of how little I was accomplishing at age 5.

At said tender young age, your dear spy was showing a great talent for eating macaroni and cheese, watching Danger Mouse on Nickelodeon, and playing with her favorite My Little Pony (her name, not that you asked, was Molly Ringwald). 

Impressive, I know, but not much compared to Madyson Wetzel, the wunderkind entrepreneur behind Madyson's Marshmallows. This 5-year old confectioner's tale goes thusly:

Madyson's Gourmet Marshmallows started with a young girl who asked her Daddy how to make a homemade marshmallow. They played around with different recipes and came up with a unique recipe that made their mouth water! They started blending and mixing this delectable treat together in their small kitchen. The first batch was so fantastic that they made another the very next day. They started sending their homemade marshmallows to friends and family and soon, word of mouth spread like wildfire and everyone they knew was calling to get these tasty homemade marshmallows.

Now, dad has a bit of a flair for cooking. In fact, he really should have gone (and he still should go!) to culinary school. Not too long after the first few batches of gourmet marshmallows, dad and Madyson were taking it up a notch and experimenting with chocolate dip, caramel drizzle, graham cracker bottoms, and peppermint flavoring in the marshmallows. If they could dream it, they would try it. Now, we're dreaming up new flavors every day! Our family is glad to be able to share these delectable chocolate dipped marshmallows with you. Our dipped marshmallows are perfect for so many occasions!


Whatever. Her parents help. (this makes me feel better).

Of course, proof is in the pudding, so how do these 'mallows taste? I haven't had the pleasure of sampling them myself (yet), but doesn't that story make you so, so curious? Especially since the online store has not only basic marshmallows, but all manner of marshmallowey goodness, including marshmallow candy bars, caramels, and espresso marshmallows? Oh yes.

Madyson's Gourmet Marshmallows are sold fresh from the Seattle area and are available to ship within the United States. They ship on Mondays so marshmallows will usually arrive fresh by end of week. You can order here, and follow them on Twitter here.

Cake Byte: Penguinbot for CakeSpy Wristlets and Totes are Back in Stock!

Here's some totally sweet news: these bestselling handmade vinyl totes and wristlets--a special collaboration between CakeSpy and Penguinbot--are back in stock at CakeSpy Shop! 

Here's the 411 on both pieces:

Wristlet: This lovely little cupcake wristlet will certainly make your night on the town a whole lot sweeter! It is beautifully constructed of sturdy marine-grade black vinyl, with a reverse appliquéd cupcake on front. The cupcake is comprised of a grey vinyl cupcake wrapper, pink fabric "frosting", black stitching for the eyes and mouth, felt for the rosy cheeks, and there's a cherry button to top off the frosting. There is a zipper to keep your cards and important little things enclosed! The inside is lined with a cupcake patterned fabric. Fancy!

Outer: vinyl Innards: 100% cotton / Size: 9" wide at zipper opening, 8" wide at bottom, 6.5" tall, 1.5" deep. Cost: $30.00. Buy here!

Tote Bag: This lovely little cupcake tote is beautifully constructed of sturdy marine-grade black vinyl, with a reverse appliquéd cupcake on front. The cupcake is comprised of a grey vinyl cupcake wrapper, pink fabric "frosting", black stitching for the eyes and mouth, felt for the rosy cheeks, and there's a cherry button to top off the frosting. The inside is lined with a cupcake patterned fabric. Fancy! There's a small inner pocket to keep your cell phone etc out of the bottom of your bag.

And, as a side note, this is the bag I personally carry, and I can say from experience that it's a super-sturdy bag (it's been going strong for over a year as an everyday bag, and shows hardly any wear!), great for all weather, and a perfectly sized day bag (it fits a couple of book, your phone/wallet/keys, and a small bakery box quite comfortably...what else could you need?).

Outer: vinyl Innards: 100% cotton / Size: 11.5" tall, 11" wide, 4" deep. Cost: $55. Buy here!

CakeSpy Shop stocks a number of other coin purses and small items by Penguinbot as well!

Cake Byte: Cake Central Presents An Intensive Buttercream Technique Class in Seattle

Talk about news you can use (and eat right up). Here's the most delicious headline I've heard in some time: Cake Central Presents an Intensive Four-Day Buttercream Technique Class with Lucinda Larson.
It's true! Per a press release sent to me by the fantastic Cake Central, "we are proud to announce that Chef Lucinda Larson will be teaching a four-day intensive course on several buttercream decorating techniques."
Want to know what you can expect? Lucinda’s class includes four days of intensive, hands-on buttercream education for the intermediate to advanced decorator. Students will learn dozens of buttercream flowers and foliage piping in addition to learning and tasting different buttercream preparations. This fast-paced course will also include instruction on airbrushing on buttercream, color theory, color mixing, border piping, and figure piping. 
Want to know more about the teacher? Lucinda Larson is known for her buttercream work, gumpaste flowers, and extraordinary use of color. She has owned and operated a custom order bakery for over 14 years, and she has been teaching since 1981.
Want to know the nitty gritty? 
  • Cost: The whole thing costs $1,199.   A list of necessary tools and materials will be available at
  • Location: Radisson Hotel Gateway Seattle-Tacoma Airport, 18118 International Boulevard , Seattle, WA 98188
  • Dates: March 3-6, 2011. 9 am to 4 pm with a one-hour lunch break.
For all additional information, please visit


Cake Byte: CakeSpy Underwear Designs in the Works!

Today was more fun that most days when people asked me what I was up to, because I was able to say "I am drawing cupcakes, unicorns, and robots to have printed on underwear". With a straight face, because it was the truth.

Here's the mockup I am currently working on, for a three-pack of totally sweet undies, featuring my favorite characters, in hues inspired by some of my favorite dessert flavors and hues: mint green, chocolate brown, and cake-frosting pink. They feature a robot with the caption "awesome", a cupcake with the caption "sweet", and a unicorn with the caption "magical". Of course, it goes without saying that these captions are funny and true about the wearer as well. 

You don't have to tell me you'd wear them, because I already know. 

Coming soon to CakeSpy Shop!

Cake Byte: Watch CakeSpy on TV Tomorrow on The Seattle Channel

Andy Warhol once said "When I got my first TV set, I stopped caring so much about having close relationships with other people".

And how sweet is this: tomorrow you can get all up close and personal with a professional Cake Gumshoe without having to leave the comfort of your own home!

That's right, sweeties: CakeSpy's gonna be on TV. 

CityStream, a fantastic show on The Seattle Channel, sent a crew over to my store last week to film a spot about my sweet art and gallery dedicated to awesome art. And you can watch it tomorrow, Thursday, Feb. 3, at 7pm!

Of course, if you're not in Seattle or won't be around, you can also watch it online (I believe they will put it up a day or two after it airs).

For schedules and more, visit the CityStream Page!

Cake Byte: Deliciousness, and CakeSpy Artwork, at The Original Bakery, West Seattle

Even if you live in Seattle, you might not ever have visited The Original Bakery.

You see, that's because it's in a mythical part of the city called West Seattle (also known as "the place where the car-less do not go"). And what's more, it's on the "other" side of West Seattle (also known as "not the Junction").

But here's the thing. You not only should, but need, to visit this treasure of a bakery, which has been around for something like 80 years, and continuously owned by the same family for over 30 years.

Not to be too pushy, but I'd like to present a few reasons why.

Photo: Lara FerroniReason 1: Just Donut. Their donuts, which are simple and unfussy, have a secret: they are filled with crack. Well, OK, this is not exactly true, but they are equally addictive. And I'm not the only one who thinks so: when I recently visited the bakery to hang artwork while they were closed for business, at least three people tried to come in and ask for donuts, and all were so sad that there were none. These donuts have a devoted following.

Reason 2: Danish Delight. Their cream cheese danish, which is rich, flavorful, and beautifully chewy, nearly brought a tear to this transplanted East coaster's eye.

Reason 3: Under my Thumb(print). Looking for an old-fashioned, nutty, buttery, thumbprint cookie? They have a solid, classic version here, like Grandma made, but better than my grandma made (no offense, grandma).

Reason 4: Challah! Anna Alonzo, part of the family who owns the bakery, is not only completely cool, but she bakes a mean challah. It's not in regular rotation (yet) but if you see it, you'd be wise to buy a loaf or 10.

Reason 5: Keeping it in the Family. Owned for over 30 years by the Alonzo family, this is very much a family operation, with Bernie and his daughter Anna working in the kitchen--this place is a fixture in the community. This is the type of bakery that people get nostalgic about when they move away. 

Reason 6: They have CakeSpy art! Yeah, it's true. I just hung a very sweet series of paintings in the seating area, so not only can you enjoy the awesome extolled in reasons #1-5, but you can also buy CakeSpy artwork. You. Know. You. Want. To.

The Original Bakery, 9253 45th Ave SW, West Seattle; online at Oh, and they're on Twitter and Facebook too.

Cake Byte: Robicelli's Pretty Much Rules

Image: Blondie & BrownieThis is not breaking cake news to most of you who are in the know.


Robicelli's pretty much rules. 

The name was not new to me, but when CS buddy Meaghan, who not long ago relocated from Seattle to Brooklyn, clued us in on Robicelli's Chicken & Waffles Cupcakes (" Vanilla “waffle” cake, vanilla buttercream, buttermilk soaked fried chicken dunked in pure Vermont maple syrup" ), it led to a little clicky-click over to their website, where we discovered even greater treasures.

First, how about the El Guapo (not to be confused with the sandwich by the same name at Seattle's HoneyHole Sandwiches) made up of "Sweet corn cake, cilantro lime buttercream, Iowa yellow kernel popcorn"...

...or the Creme Brulee--"vanilla cake, pastry cream buttercream, caramelized sugar"...

...but if that doesn't strike you as quite extreme enough, for your consideration, the Hot Josh Cupcake.Described thusly:

I really have no words to describe the Hot Josh. It’s a culinary acid trip; something that engages you, messes with your head and at the end of it all is completely unforgettable.  I actually feel a little abused by this cupcake, to tell you the truth.  It’s like that time I saw that movie where at the beginning I totally thought I knew what was going on, then I thought that there was going to be a twist and I had figured it out, then by the end I was just COMPLETELY wrong and was so confused and disoriented by the whole experience that I was rattled to the bone for days.  I still cannot see anything about “Maid In Manhattan” without shuddering just a little.

Why does this rule so much? Not necessarily because of the savory flavors. They might not be your thing with cupcakes. Truthfully, as a sweets enthusiast, I personally might not reach for a chicken and waffles cupcake (I'd prob'ly go for the Creme Brulee first!), but I respect and thoroughly enjoy that sense of adventure and experimentation in baking. Keep on doing what you're doing, Robicelli's!

Want more? If you're in NYC, follow their day-to-day goings-on via their twitter and Tumblr feed. If not, go ahead and track them the same ways, and put them way up on your to-do list next time you visit the Big Apple.

Cake Byte: Valentine Card Assortment!

As you've probably started to suspect, what with the proliferation of heart-shaped boxes full of candy at grocery and drugstores and endcap displays packed with conversation hearts, Valentine's Day is coming.

And undoubtedly, there are some sweet people in your life who are deserving of a sweet note for the occasion.

Happily, there's a new Valentine assortment of cards now available in the online shop! It's a 9-pack of cards, 3 each of the sweetest CakeSpy designs: "Cuppie Love" (greeted with "You're Sweet and I Like You"); Cake Loves Pie (blank inside) and Cookie Loves Milk (blank inside).

As I see it, there are two good reasons to buy these cards:

1. You want them.

2. They will delight the recipients.

See? Win-win. This double happiness can be attained by clicking on over to! If you're in Seattle, they can also be purchased at Cupcake Royale locations or at the retail CakeSpy Shop!