Be still my beet-ing heart! All about baking with beets.
Beet brownies. Well, these are interesting. (Self Proclaimed Foodie)
Beet cupcakes! Yum. Pictured top! (CakeSpy archives)
Raw chocolate beet cheesecake. This thing looks incredible! (Unconventional Baker)
Olive oil loaf cake with hibiscus beet icing. Oh sweet fancy! (Golubka Kitchen)
Beet FUDGE! I need this! (Blissful Basil)
Chocolate and balsamic roasted beets. FASCINATING! (Jerry James Stone)
Beet ravioli. OK, this and the next few aren't necessarily sweet, but very interesting! (Baked New England)
Grain free beet wraps. Listen, the main source of fascination here is that the wraps themselves are made with beets. They're pretty and sound yum! (Ingenious Cooking)
Strawberry beet popsicles. (Salted Plains)
Roasted beet biscuits. OMG! (The View from Great Island)
Salted honey rose lassi. Featuring beet! Wow. (Kale and Caramel)
Vanilla bean beet donuts. YES! (Craftsy)
Blackberry beet bliss balls. Don't try saying that five times fast--instead, eat them! (Deviliciously Raw)
Book of the week: Baking with Vegetables. This is a fun and lovely volume which features some very interesting recipes if you're interested in baking with veggies.