Peach crisp. (The Whinery)
Not sweet, but totally sweet: no knead, no rise pizza dough. (CakeSpy for Craftsy)
Hibiscus scones. Sounds yum, no? (Taste of Yummy)
Bourbon walnut pound cake. I'd like to eat a pound of it! (Magnolia Days)
How to make an egg replacer with chia seeds. Helpful! (52 Kitchen Adventures)
Ever been curious about where Now & Later candy comes from? (Candy Blog)
Grilled nectarine flatbread with mascarpone. Wow. (Small Green Kitchen)
Olive oil cannoli. Seriously, you guys. (Colavita)
How to draw a mandala - including two free coloring book page downloads! (CakeSpy for Craftsy)
Cookies n cream popsicles. INTO IT. (A Taste of Madness)
Four foods Americans don't eat much anymore. (NPR)
Coloring book pages for grown-ups: the funnest mindfulness activity I know. (CakeSpy for Craftsy)
Book of the week: Candyfreak: A Journey Through the Chocolate Underbelly of America. This book came out several years ago, but it is just so freaking enjoyable. Steve Almond (real name) perfectly pairs his delicious subject matter (candy!) with a witty repartee and inquisitive mind (I learned so much about regional candy, and how candy is made, and how the candy industry works in this book!) that will make you wish he was your real life friend. I can't recommend this book enough.