Guess what, my sweet friends? As a Happy 10 Years of CakeSpy anniversary present to me, you, and the world, I've been hired to do something VERY VERY SPECIAL YES ALL CAPS NEEDED. Please watch: 

OMG, right? I am writing the book I was born to write and illustrate, about UNICORNS! It's very hard to not die right now. Of happiness.

Now, this book is going to be a little different from what I usually do. It has a few recipes, but it's NOT a recipe book. It is an illustrated humor book that is basically a unicorn's guide to life. While intended for adults, it's totally appropriate for kids, too.

Here's a preview of the cover.

And guess what? It's already available for pre-order. LUCKY YOU! 

Pre-order Stuff Unicorns Love here.
